Overwintering Geraniums And Taking Cuttings.

Today we took some cuttings of ivy leaf and peligonions. And showed how we overwinter our plants, in the greenhouse.
Video 285
Music Snowy Peaks By Chris Hagen.


12 thoughts on “Overwintering Geraniums And Taking Cuttings.”

  1. Yes I'm about to do my Geranium cuttings that I'll put in my south facing window in my flat and some at my Mums for her. Its been quite warm still, so Im doing them a little later this year. I love doing them, they take so well and it is surprising how quick they will try to flower, as you say, I take them off until near the time I pot them up and put them into the greenhouse next year before planting or gping into bigger pots or hanging baskets. Loverly colour variations I got from some new ones I did from seed this year, I like to do both from seed and cuttings. All the best, John, Hampshire, UK

  2. I just got about 30 scented geraniums that were neglected for a while. They were all kept in pots, on a table, very close together, so they are single stemmed, slender and very long, most at least 30 cm. I'm at a loss with what to do to get them healthy. We have very mild winters, so I don't usually need to do anything for my other geraniums and have never taken cuttings. If I bury the long stems, do you think they will root and bush out at the base? Should I take the tops and try growing cuttings? Any insights are helpful.

  3. Hi Cliff. Very interesting video. I normally take my geranium cuttings in the spring but will give this a go. I remember on a previous video you were taking cuttings from a Bacopia plant you had overwintered. Do you have any tips for keeping Bacopias overwinter. Is it just a case of potting up and bringing in to the greenhouse before any frost? Any help much appreciated. Trevor.


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