Overwatch New Skin and a New Low for Blizzard

Overwatch New Skin comes with a New trash event for Overwatch and Blizzard

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37 thoughts on “Overwatch New Skin and a New Low for Blizzard”

  1. Every time I watch one of your videos I end up full of optimism and good vibes.

    In my humble opinion, and after going months without making a single Overwatch video, you seem to come back just to spew negativity, destructive criticism and spam words like "garbage", "ridiculous" and "the worst".

    Perhaps, BTC, you could get some quality content out to your 333,000 subscribers by doing reviews from a point of view other than that of a closeted hater.

  2. I don't really like that some of those big names are on there, but it's more buying publicity, not positivity. There are plenty of people mixed into that list that still regularly play the game who have been bleeding viewership for the entire content drought and doing something to benefit those people seems fine to me. Finding 150 people who still stream this game on twitch that hold over 20 viewers is probably a bit of a challenge itself.

  3. I don't suppose anyone who plays Genshin Impact remembers the 'KFC Glider event' debacle, where Tectone scolded any big streamer in the Genshin community if they signed up for that event, and only encouraged small streamers to do it to help them with their viewership. This Is Overwatch's version of that debacle, except Blizzard have "handpicked" streamers you should gift subs to, instead of offering a chance for smaller streamers to get involved as an opportunity.. This is rather egregious, and I won't be gifting subs to get this skin.

  4. Oh my god 15 dollars for 1 skin they better not charge us this much on ow 2 there testing the waters they wanna see how much money they can grab from us before we say enough

  5. I saw this video and thought it was gonna be another event like the mercy skin but for humanitarian help in ukraine or something but its give money to streamers what the fuck?

  6. I'm a twitch streamer who's not affiliate yet, but even without affiliate, it would've been able to help me too, i could get closer to being able to get affiliate ๐Ÿ™

  7. Instead, Blizzard could just make charity for groups who need attentions and supports like disease research facilities, survivors of DV, neglected children, single mothers, Vets, refugees, and people with disabilities.

  8. Welcome to Microsoft's buy of Blizzard. It is all farming for money. Battle pass, in game store, etc… Look what they did with their free Halo game. Massive money grab!!

  9. blizzard made a joke on me today, i signed up for the beta and blizzard emailed me today telling me to buy the watpoint pack to access the beta, after years of playing overwatch and signing up for the beta twice and watching a lot of streams to get access to the beta that's all blizzard has to tell me

  10. I loved the skin, but when I saw how we can have it, it's was an instant no for me. Btw I don't trust bliz anymore, they had a bug, a lot of people had skins they paid for disaprearing, many got their skins back, me and some other have not. I paid for Zhulong Sombra and they don't want to give it back to me. Thank you for thinking I'm a pigeon blizzard.. Years of thrust being throw to the bin. So no, I wont "support' already rich streamer to see my skin disapearing one day and them not giving it back.

  11. u do know this isnt the first time theyve done this right ? and most of the people i follow who are participating in this event are small streamers who enjoy the game and still make content on it , i think ur just butt hurt they didnt even considered u


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