Overwatch 2 Lighting Changes

Side-by-side comparison of the maps in Overwatch and the Overwatch 2 Beta. All footage was captured using the High preset with Model Quality set to High.

0:00 Introduction
0:14 Watchpoint: Gibraltar
0:52 Dorado
1:18 Route: 66
2:02 Eichenwalde
2:42 King’s Row
3:17 Oasis
3:48 Lijiang Tower
4:25 Ilios
5:27 Future Maps?

• Overwatch OST

• Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/marblr


48 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 Lighting Changes”

  1. I loved having dark maps. Kings Row, Dorado, Lijiang. I much prefer the OW1 lighting, not only for those maps but for almost all of them. Ilios looks significantly worse.

  2. the maps are not downgraded, its simply a preview on how different maps will look with time change sometimes u will play route 66 at night and sometimes at high noon

  3. This is all change for the sake of it and it took them no effort whatsoever. Each map was designed from scratch to look a certain way since the concept art phase and changing the lighting completely destroys most of them except Dorado, which looks good during the day too. The ones that make the sadder are Oasis, Route 66 and Illios – they banished those maps to the shadow realm with how bad they look now.

  4. While I do agree the Route 66 lighting change clashes with the "concept" of the map, I still love it as I love every night time desert/mesa setting, something about them just makes my heart at peace. I also agree that it would have benefitted tremendously from a dawn/dusk setting and general orangeification

  5. A recent Gamespot interview with Aaron Keller showed Numbani played at daytime with rather vibrant looking colors, though like many have said maps might have different times of day available

  6. Most of the changes just feel like change for the sake of change without any reason behind it. It honestly ruins what it felt like the map originally was supposed to be.

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  8. can you do overwatch 1 beta vs overwatch 1 current lighting changes?

    Wheenever i see ow1 beta footeage it looks soft and the lighting/shading is different than what it is now. explain?


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