Overwatch 2 is fantastic, but it has an image problem

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Overwatch 2 has been a divisive game to say the least. Some have criticised the title of not being big enough to justify itself, while others have praised it for being an objective improvement over the original. Today we’re going to explain what Overwatch 2 actually is, and why I think the way it’s been marketed, is it’s Achilles heel.

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Songs used:
Overwatch 2 Trailer Theme Zero Hour Remix
Elevator Music – Gaming Background Music
Lynx – Apollo
Chasing Stars – Lesion X
Flavour — Wataboi
chill type beat “daily”
Bliss of Heaven (Club Mix) — SOMM

Crusty the editor: https://twitter.com/CrustySensei


45 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 is fantastic, but it has an image problem”

  1. The problem with OW2 is the devs being radio silent for so long whilst giving very little to 0 content updates for a couple of years now. Its been especially bad the past several months with even the rotating content disappearing and this anniversary being a joke even skins wise. This has ruined player expectations of what OW2 is supposed to be and for me personally no matter what OW2 does from now on, the dev (and or Blizzard management) team has destroyed any trust and excitement I had in the brand. Even when the OW2 update comes, I don’t expect a consistent content and event update schedule.

    The community has just been far too lenient for the game’s own good. Letting the dev team (and/or blizzard) get away with the state of OW1 for too long. Leading to the devs or upper management thinking they could pull this BS. The game gets/got some hate but always maintained a healthy player count and lootbox sales and whenever OW2 news came, instantly got back all the love. Animations especially just rallied everyone behind forgetting how fundamentally terrible the game has always been handled. People were once again ready to forgive every sin thinking OW2 was some major new sequel built from the ground up that demanded the full teams full focus, but conveniently that OW2 PVP is just a free update and the paid OW2 only content (and most of the work/OW2) is the PVE that’s been pushed back. OW2 is literally just a big update and even OW fans are forced to realize that’s not nearly enough to make up for the past couple of years of nothing the game has had.

  2. Winston keeps getting played in OWL, so not sure he's as bad as Sir Swag makes out. Also Baptiste got a change late into the beta that made him more interesting, instead of the nade healing 100hp over time, it does 50hp burst heal with 50hp over time. I tried it, and it felt almost op.

  3. everything else for free is just overwatch 1 so whats the point of coming back the game is stale af and the esports is pretty much on life support.

  4. I will never understand the pandering to the minority woke. It's so stupid, everyone who goes woke loses millions but still keep doing it. It's honest to God baffling. For those who don't know, check out the blizzard woke chart. Also he will forever be mcree to me

  5. In literally the week since this was uploaded the Davis have made the reworks even better with hog's ult change, zen's new passive, and whatever they did with Mercy that I forgor about

  6. in tf2 the medic was specifically designed to be the strongest, most important class, dishing out ridiculous amounts of HP to make him able to carry the whole team and granted him the ability to break stalemates with his Uber, all to make playing as him feel impactful and rewarding. Blizzard still didn't catch on decades later.

  7. Its cool the OW players get something to look forward to. Its just unfortunate that they passed up the opportunity to revitalize the community with new faces in favor of keeping a lot of the same things that made a lot of the community leave in the first place.

  8. Nah, Ana was released 2 weeks in to season 1. Besides, most tank players were chewed out if they weren't playing reinhardt, and most dps players were chewed out if they weren't playing soldier, mccree, or maybe tracer. So it's not like having more options helped.

    Everything pre-goats was good. OW2 is fun (and after trying OW1 again i wish the beta wasnt down), but it feels like tdm with objectives. OW2 isn't overwatch, it feels like a different game.

  9. After playing overwatch again for the first time since like year 2, I saw this come up. This stuff is good but it should just be in the first game it really needs these changes and has needed them for ages now. a lack of changes to supports is a shame cuz they could really benefit from some changes to compliment the other changes. many of supports have been plagued with balance issues and some even having mechanics that might not be very healthy for the game. For example I don't think overwatch has ever implemented mercy's rez in a balanced and well designed way neither as an ult or a regular ability. Rez used to be an ult that encouraged mercy players to play in a way that doesn't mesh with her general kit and normal gameplan (hide to get 5 man Rez potg lol) but was also way too good to the point of match winning for how easy it was to use. After the rework it was a regular ability that is really easy to pull off for how strong it is on a hero who already gets decent value pretty easily. To add onto this 5v5 and less stuns will be a nice stealth buff for rez since it's even more valuable and it's harder to stop. Other shooters have approached Rez as an ultimate ability and Rez as a normal ability in a much more balanced way by making it way more risky to use by making rezzing take a while and leaving them vulnerable for a short time. There's also a history of Lucio's speed being busted but part of that is speed just being a super unique and powerful buff that was hard to match in certain metas and other supports needing more valuable utility. And I've heard a little about some of the later supports having a ton of issues and breaking balance. Supports need help in overwatch and have needed it for a long time.

  10. I honestly think OW devs should've ignored the*promot it as a sequel* thing and instead say "we're reworking the game,and it'll be a remaster,so stay tuned" as that always happens to persona games ,but oh well ,who knows what happened in that misogynistic office of activion

  11. I still with the PvE customization should've been in multiplayer. Unique builds would make characters shine in multiple ways, or stronger in their main role.

  12. I remember when you could have fun in games; restricting the players to a count and type of class to one is pretty questionable to me. Shit there's already a better Overwatch anyway, it came out in 2007; TF2. -Spatnz


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