Overwatch 2 | Hero Interactions: Echo

Here are some voice lines from Echo interacting with some heroes.

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ALSO let me know if you found more interactions. I’ll be sure to include it in another video! 🙂

Hero Interactions Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxYBWNMwpqidMROW3gIGVubjLii4WGJoz

#Overwatch2 #echo


42 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 | Hero Interactions: Echo”

  1. It's gonna take a metric fuckton of Overwatch-playing after this game finally drops for me to lose the habit of calling Cassidy McCree. Dialogue exchanges like these help

  2. I really like how reaper seems to be showing just a bit more humanity in some of his new ow2 lines, really makes it much more believable that reyes is the one behind that mask, even if he's much more cynical and angry than before. almost leads me to believe that his comically edgy lines like his hero select ("You can't escape death") are just him putting on a façade of some sort….

    damnit i cant wait for that story mode

  3. I feel like the first interaction with COLE CASSIDY is just blizzard’s way of saying “Stop calling him [REDACTED]! He is COLE CASSIDY.”

    I still, and will always, call him [REDACTED]. Just sounds way better.

  4. A confirmation that even though McCree's name was changed to Cassidy, his previous lore isn't replaced. At least not entirely. A good reference to the animated short that still used the old name.

  5. Hes name is Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy hes name is Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy not the other one, you remember hes name is Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy forget the other name hes name is Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, there is there is no one called mc….. Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy, Cole Cassidy


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