Even with the Overwatch 2 Beta coming in less than one month, there are lots of questions that have yet to be answered. Like what is competitive going to look like, and will there be a competitive rank reset?

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  1. I would welcome an MMR reset, I've not played comp in forever because the games just stopped being fun lol, and largely unbalanced in terms of matchmaking. As a solo player I do agree on it being a massive gamble..lol I know the whole obvious team bad topic but I've absolutely had horrible teammates/games and had no way to control it so to speak.

  2. I do agree with this, i'm a mercy main and it is really hard for me to climb the ranks with a healer. For this comp season I won 4/5 of my placement games with around 20k-30k healing each round even on the round i lost, i only got to high silver. So that final statement is really needed

  3. I agree. The game has never felt worse. A reset and ranked change would restore competitive integrity that has been absent.

    Side note: my aim looks better than yours now? Still gold though

  4. placements determining your rank on a more significant level has already been largely agreed to be a bad idea. in fact, its been an even bigger conversation whether winning/losing your normal season rank games should influence your sr. quite often the actual outcome of the game hardly reflects your individual performance during said game. it would be rather unfair for you to play out of your mind on placements, but have a leaver, or a thrower, or a much less skilled player who might lose you the game and then be placed in low elos, and have to endure the struggle of climbing all the way back to the top. this is also a reason im not a fan of MMR reset for existing players. sure, blizzard could reset all accounts that have been inactive for the past few years, but some players who have spent this whole time grinding and who are finally getting to higher ranks shouldnt have to gamble being back in bronze for reasons out of their control.

  5. I’m gonna be honest I disagree with some of your opinions in this video.
    #1 you said you think the minimum level to participate in competitive should be level 10. That is the opposite of what everyone wants. We want less Smurfs so by making them have to level to say level 100 that would prevent the amount of Smurfs and alts in peoples games which is a net positive.
    #2 you said the someone who wins all placements should be placed in grandmaster. The reason that shouldn’t be the case is because someone that Diamond will destroy players from plat and below. I personally have Diamond friends who can make multiple account and win all of their placements. But at the same time they’re not good enough to play in gm games along side me. The gaps in skill become smaller in smaller as you climb or go lower. But Diamond is still 1000 sr lower than grandmaster which is a completely different tier of skill. Better arguments to make is that there should be less ranks overall. Platinum shouldn’t be a rank, and bronze shouldn’t be a rank. The difference between a bronze player and silver player is almost nothing. And the different between a gold and plat player is almost nothing. By reducing the amount of ranks you might be able to see more consistency in peoples games.

    No shade just thought I’d lay out my disagreements with your video!

  6. i wound love this idea! i always end up in teams with DPS healers (mostly lucio and moria) and DPS tanks (mostly dva and hog) and as DPS its hard to.. well not die, healers are not healing and tanks keep dying and not giving protection/doing dmg!

  7. I’ve had a horrific comp season and want a gold gun on my new pc acc, but the comp points r so few for a win and nothing for a loss. They should up the amount of comp points for comp games and medals so it’s easier for the gold gun as it’s very hard rn

  8. I agree with a reset, it's a different game it's 5×5 new heroes maps and change in the heroes, I think we needn't this one rank to tank healer and dps, only one rank is enough based in what you play are you healing well how much heal in 10 minutes, are killing and giving damage? how much the average and are you being tank protecting and killing in the right times? using ultimates right? one rank we need to individual hability and if you are playing with the team

  9. I'm fairly sure this will be the case as ow2 beta will effectively be a ptr update? I don't think ptr sr and mmr (does ptr even have comp?) isn't linked to your live sr and mmr.

  10. I am a sombra main and I had 62 eliminations 20 emp's 58 hacks 2 deaths and it only gave me 7 SR…I agree we are in desperate need of an MMR reset. The fact that we are in season 33 and blizzard still refuses to reset MMR is baffling. I am stuck trying to carry people so that I can get back to at least gold but its not going to happen without a reset.

  11. I hope they reset it cause I'm hard stuck in plat in damage (I'm a tracer main) and I've played on other accounts of friends who are a higher rank and I do fine in. Just matching up with shit teams

  12. I typically get 40+ elims in any 10 min comp match, if the match is in my favour and my teammates aren’t throwing me off, but only then I get 17 SR?

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