This rankings is made from the time I was able to play in the Alpha and watching preliminary season OWL scrims

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28 thoughts on “OVERWATCH 2 ALPHA Hero Tier List”

  1. I genuinely have never been able to understand how these professional overwatch league teams have rosters with no main support. How did they think that wouldn't backfire

  2. It seems like heroes who can consistently get picks with minimal punishment/are extremely mobile to avoid those characters, and the soft inbetween of raw dps are very popular, I knew hog would not be the best but this solidifies it, either way im excited

  3. Too much dead silence imo when you make your choices. Just put them somewhere temporarily, explain the strengths and weaknesses, then readjust it.
    You took so long on Zenyatta, the grass on my lawn regrew. These aren't life-altering choices, just make one and change it after you talk it through.

  4. most of the powerful heroes from this list are healthy for the game so game should feel nice. I haven't played the game however and it takes time to really test how good and bad all those heroes are in a completely new environment. lucio s tier is just amazing btw. and overall shift from passive overwatch to active overwatch is really promising.

  5. Curious to see if the S tier Soldier is actually because he is a good pick or is it just a comfort "old reliable" pick by people at the moment. I think as time goes on, you start to see "metas" and suddenly you start to phase things out… Fun times ahead!!!

  6. Poor Bastion. He gets reworked, his rework is cool. Sadly it is still somehow underpowered. Maybe recon mode left click, and tactical grenade Cooldown buffs? We don’t want his turret form to dominate his design and balance completely again, right?

  7. Rein is too outdated imo. In a world where he's the only tank, he's only useful in a very slim niche. His ability to get into the fight just lags too far behind. He needs greater speed or greater reach I think.

    An extra firestrike is good and all, but it's just not it.

    He needs some sort of medium ranged reach for heavy impact and pushback. His shield just isn't enough because it gets melted and even feeds enemy powers like Sojourn's railgun.

    What if he could throw his hammer? Like a heavy projectile toss that Stuns and deals damage, more against a wall, like Orisa's spear. Then he can call it back to him and deal a bit of damage to enemies on its return. I think Rein would have better tank presence as the solo tank and be more engaging to play and play against.

    Also they should decrease the fire rate of Bastion's primary fire, but increase it's damage. His ult should fire faster too.


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