Why The Friday Night Funkin' Fandom Is Goober Cringe

YOyoyo ! Remember dont be personally mean to anyone who enjoys a fandom this is all just for goofs !

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35 thoughts on “Why The Friday Night Funkin' Fandom Is Goober Cringe”

  1. every fandom has atleast a part that's cringe, but there's some who are so extremely cringe to the point it makes me want to poke myself with a lit up matchstick, god.

  2. As someone who once was in the fandom (I left due to how bad it was getting) , I'm sorry that you had to witness the cringe that is now in the fandom.
    I had ever never seen a literal rhythm game turn into a cringe hell-hole filled with Pedos.

  3. i agree a lot with this. i knew this fandom existed and all that but holy shit i wasn't ready for this

    should probably point out that i have no idea how to react to the tiktoks, they're just,, my fuckin god

  4. To be honest with you i didn't found this game really that fun to begin with, in fact i found it kinda…boring idk, maybe it's because i don't like rythm games too much in general but oh man this fandom for sure helped me with the idea of stay away from FNF and never come back.

  5. The first warning sign was when the creator of the Sky mod straight up deleted her own work because people wouldn't stop making porn of her and then sending it DIRECTLY to the mod author.


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