OVERSEAS MAIL! – Let's Play ANNO 1800 – S2 Ep.89 [All DLC]

We’re continuing our Second Series Let’s Play for Anno 1800 with ALL DLC – We’ll be visiting Sunken Treasures, The Passage, Land of Lions, and using all available cosmetic and gameplay DLC to it’s fullest! My primary goal is to just build a beautiful city, but also to build the Research Institute, the World’s Fair and fill up the Museum, Zoo, Gardens, Palace and more…
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18 thoughts on “OVERSEAS MAIL! – Let's Play ANNO 1800 – S2 Ep.89 [All DLC]”

  1. Oh wow Incredible vid also got some questions (as always im being annoying and sorry about that) well first, can you make the new airships in the arctic hangar? Second, have you got any video revewing anno AI? Last, if i max out the lifestyle needs will the consuption go up, (like high life dlc)? Sorry for being annoying again

  2. Yeah, the drop runs seem like an incredibly out of place gimmick. In a game that is all about optimization and tuning the systems to work all together, manual busywork is just bizarre. Also, seeing how inaccurate and therefore wasteful the drops are… really not a good addition. The airship platform and airships themselves might be way more important as optimization tool for trade routes. Like freeing up sea ports from overloading and maybe saving up on the influences for some of the cargo ships. Though, I'm really not sure if even that would be beneficial. Can the airship platform be affected by things like Trade Unions for loading speed? If not, then it is still a net loss compared to the sea ports just because you can build a more than one port and can use items to boost speed. I don't know how I feel about this DLC, especially compared to the last one.

  3. I think the issue with the mail system and the routes is that mail has a "source", which defines what it gets transformed to. If you pick up 50 mails at island A, drop 25 mails at island B and pick up 10 mails, you have 35 mails, 25 from island A and 10 from island B. Are these two different mails one stack, or two? It's the same item. What happens when you drop them all off at island A?

    One way to solve this would have been to have a new mail resource per island, but the game probably can't do this.

  4. I'm confused why was there an option to transport Local Mail when it should only be circulating within that Island. The game should have been strict with Regional and Overseas Mail transfers.

  5. You should definitely use the "magic box" item transfer module on the air ships platform. Communicates with any other module from new and old world ( Swords is full of items) and is fast ( a few secs). Additional two slots are unlocked for each module build globally. Is an OP feature. Imagine all the time and attention span saved by non shipping manually the specialists and items. If you can master the shared workforce in NW , and increase and compact population with haciendas , you can solve most of your space problems. now you can have production islands in NW too. Some useful hacienda farms will produce +300% on half off space, like corn and sugar cane ( use tractors, fertilizers and some well placed items/specs ). You are in dire need of a NW overhaul.

  6. Item transfer via Air is very handy though, since you already have a research institute and a public mooring ( giving you a lot of specialists ) and an airship platform on the same island why not use it ? You don’t need to build an item transfer depot on every island, just on a few key ones. Space in the New World has also become much less of an issue with the introduction of fertiliser and the commuter station.

  7. Holy hell this mail system hurts my head. I haven't had a ton of time with this DLC yet, but this seems so tedious. Sounds like I will have a ton of little mail routes instead of combining them into a route that can circulate through all islands in a region.

  8. Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet but I have come across a trade union item for orchards. I found it at Archibald’s, I think it increased production and it would produce extra goods every other cycle if I remember correctly, but the catch was it consumed fertiliser. When I load my save up tomorrow I can name the item if you would like to know?

    Otherwise I love the return of the anno series!

  9. Darren, the trajectory thing at the start and end of item drop runs probably has to do with bomb run on hostile islands and ships that have flak cannons to shoot down your airships if you don't get the angles just right.


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