Over 30 Rescued From Slaughter! | Horse Shelter Heroes S3E31

Over 30 horses were rescued from the slaughter pipeline, but for one it was too late… In this special extended version of Horse Shelter Heroes, you will follow the emotional rollercoaster from adoptions and amazing success to failure to save… Don’t miss a minute!

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40 thoughts on “Over 30 Rescued From Slaughter! | Horse Shelter Heroes S3E31”

  1. My goodness, I’ll answer the question Jason asked. Only monsters bring a horse who dies in the auction to auction. This is Victoria btw. I don’t understand how people handle neglecting their animals!

  2. I could probably guess which of the horses had to have the last act of kindness – but where do you see the update? I'm in awe of you all. its so hard to see the condition these poor babies are in. I can't even imagine what you all go through. Bless you all for being there and for giving them at least a little love in the last moments of their lives!

  3. That's a sulcata (African Spurred) Tortoise. Sulcata tortoises are considered to be the third-largest species of tortoises in the world. They typically reach 15″ in height, between 24-30″ in width, 25-30″ in length, and 90-200+ pounds in weight at full adult size. It generally takes them 15-20 years to be become fully grown, with the males being slightly larger (typically wider and heavier) in size. If they have a longer tail, it's a male, shorter, a female. They graze grasses, so he would be in Heaven in a secured area to graze the grasses before they go dormant for the winter. They can dig huge deep tunnels, for winter time. They need UV light indoors, but sunlight is always best. He needs a warmer climate, so when it cools off, he needs a heat lamp for warmth, in a stall, plus a UV light for VitD and calcium uptake, to prevent metabolic bone disease. They can easily live over 100yrs, if taken proper care of! I'm so sorry so many horses had to have the last act of kindness, but it's better to be in a loving environment, then to Mexico or Canada and that fate. A lot of the really sick ones get dumped along the border to Mexico, since they won't profit on them. Just so sad. I'm in Roswell, New Mexico(SE part of state), and I've seen some on trucks leaving our auction barns. Infuriating. I wished I lived closer, as I would work there in a heartbeat. I miss working for a humane society. I did for 20yrs here. Loved the gratification of it all. Loved making a difference.

  4. You guys are such rescue angels xxx these horses have been through hell and are so lucky you guys found them x love the tortoise 🐢🤣🤣 I do wonder what strange animal you guys will rescue next

  5. I do not understand why there are no laws in place to prevent horses in such dreadful condition going to an auction. Or at least the auctioneers themselves could refuse the sick and emaciated horses. No way here in the UK could an animal in less than perfect health enter an auction. Infact they can't even be transported to a slaughterhouse unless in reasonable condition and sound in all four feet.

  6. This was the hardest to watch so far. What in Gods name makes the people that bring these animals that are SO close to death and covered in manure and funk to the auction . It’s wrong on every point. Makes me so mad. I want to talk to those people. I want their home address and phone number so I can ask for an explanation.

  7. More time please with the auction horses, what happened to the poorly grey mare, the shetland with the club feet, how many had to be put to sleep ? That poor piebald mare covered in filth, I was praying for a better outcome for her. What a terrible thing to allow horse's to get into such a chronic state

  8. 1. It’s so sad and frustrating seeing horses who have otherwise minor diseases/injuries but have to be put down because of a joint/bone/leg related problem. Or who have otherwise treatable problems except for that one crooked leg or something. I so dearly hope that sometime in the near future humans can develop technology for horses like there is for humans with joint injuries.

    2. I think it would be neat if you could make a list of the names/numbers of the animals at the end of the video or in the description box showing which ones had what problems as well as the ones who you were able to start treating/survived and the ones who had to be put down. It would really put things into perspective and also sort of summarize the situations.

    3. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to not only watch animals you can’t buy who will go to an unknown destination but also when you see the ones you have bought and see the condition they’re in. Seeing one in a condition that you know isn’t fixable and just knowing that that’s another one you can’t give even just another week of love and proper living to. It hurts just seeing it through the screen, you guys truly are role models with all of this going on in front of you and yet you power through for the good of all of these innocent animals.

    4. Okay, before I start my nitpicking vent, I would just like to say that I love the work you guys do and do not want to belittle it in any way. These horses would more than likely have ended up dead without you, and the ones who have to be euthanized at least got those last moments of love and care that they deserved. So when reading this, please keep that in mind. You are doing amazing work.

    I also want to point out that I don’t know the horse personally so please take this with a grain of salt.

    20:53 I just don’t like how the guy acted like the horse was showing aggression. I don’t think s/he was even trying to kick him. It looks far more like a, “Wait, what the frick just touched me?” reaction. If the horse was trying to kick him, s/he would’ve thrown his/her leg further out, but instead it’s more like s/he just picked it up to try and dislodge whatever was on his/her flank, like horses do when a fly (particular larger and meaner ones such as horse flies) land on them. Simply put, it looks more like the horse just wasn’t expecting the touch, and I know from my own experience with training horses that the large majority of them despise being touched in that area until you desensitize them to it. S/he didn’t even really pin his/her ears besides swiveling them back for a moment.

    But he’s far from a bad trainer and I’m just grateful he’s not beating the crap out of horses like some “trainers” like to do. He handled the horse calmly and gently and didn’t lash out at him/her.
    Again, this isn’t meant to belittle any of the amazing work you guys do. Just something that rubbed me wrong a little bit.

  9. A horse has to be on the persons property to pursue animal cruelty charges against them? As far as I knew they could still be charged even if they moved it somewhere like an auction. Is dropping a horse off at an auction a get out of charges free card for any abuse or neglect you do to a horse?

  10. For how big that tortoise is; he's probably quite old (40-50 maybe?), and otherwise from my perspective looks pretty well taken care of before this. I'm hoping yall've gotten solid turtle advice; but I'll reiterate as an owner of 16+ reptiles; Proper heating, light, and food will do your turtle buddy good. Reptiles are super resilient critters and really don't need too much, in my opinion, deeper care unless there's concerns of respiratory illness.

  11. I don't get it….. You save horses…. There is so many unwanted horses, why do you allow breeding? If somebody want another horse, they can come and adopt another one. Why do you have or consider option of breeding horses that are adopted from you. In my country, if you adopt you sign contract that prohibit breeding that adopted animal. Who can guarantee that the offspring of horse you save would end up in auction or in meat production?

  12. Watching the auction…I can't stop crying.The neglect, starvation and cruelty just breaks my heart. If you can't afford to take care of your animals, don't get them in the first place!! Or surrender them to a reputable shelter LONG before they are suffering and on the verge of death and you bring then to an auction for the last act of sadistic, heartless cruelty. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! Where are the laws protecting these sweet babies??? NO animal deserves this torture, 'livestock or not!!! And horses should NOT be considered livestock, giving owner carte-blanche to bring them to the auction gasping for it's last breath. This upset's me so much!! And that poor little donkey who can hardly walk… ALL OF THEM!

    These poor horses during in- take are so traumatized/terrified, confused, starving and many are in unbearable agony, it's not surprising that a few react out of fear. I was not impressed with how the potential new vet reacted to one of them. She almost seemed bullying. I'm all for staying safe but even what she was saying rubbed me the wrong way. These animals have been bulled enough. She could learn a few things from Doc who is always kind, calm and compassionate and the new full-time doc. I don't mean to sound negative but I'm a life long equestrian and have also watched this show for several years and always loved how the staff was so patient and gentle, exactly what's needed with these terrified and suffering babies.
    I usually cry watching this show but today really broke my heart, the ones who were put down NEVER should have gotten to deplorable state. There is NO excuse now with the kind and compassionate choice of surrendering to a shelter is available but they choose the worst imaginable, option hoping to score a few stupid dollars!!!!
    Sorry about the rant, I find this so traumatizing to see those sweet, innocent babies suffering. I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you guys! Much love and blessings to you all!! xxxx

  13. That horse that went down in the trailer made me cry so much. What a sad video this time. I run a little rescue for old miniture ponies so the oldies are close to my heart. Keep up the good work guys.

  14. Who are these people that take dying horses to the auction!? They have so little interest in their animals that they don't even want to pay for their end of life costs is what I suspect.


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