Our Porn-Obsessed Society Is Sterilizing Itself

The American birthrate has been in a state of severe decline since 2007 and we examine the reasons why; Barack Obama …


48 thoughts on “Our Porn-Obsessed Society Is Sterilizing Itself”

  1. The problem is not porn its women's rights. The phone and internet allowed women to expand their promiscuity to a global scale and have sex with thousands of men a year with no consequences. Stop simping and take their rights away and the birth rate will surpass 7.

  2. I believe the main problem is feminism, not porn, I mean not for the average man, the average dude don't have access to sex every time he want so he choose porn, but if he have a chance to have "action" with a woman he will do, the average guy is this, but with feminism woman don't want 95% of men, they wanna have a open relationship, don't want to have kids, wanna work and don't wanna a guy who make less money than her or make around minimum wage. I met this girl and I got interested on her, but I found out she was dating a guy, so I don't make any move and keep us as friends, and some day we were talking and out nowhere she told me she was thinking on leave her boyfriend, the reason? He did not make enough money for her, even though he was make way higher than the average wage of my country (Brazil), she told me were he works and I knew he made more money than me too, but wasn't enough for her, that was a red flag, I'm not a red pill guy, they are also wrong, but damn, the guy was doing great and as far as I understand he was good guy too and wasn't enough for her and I wish this were the first feminism I faced in my life, many girls are like this. I believe that porn is rising because the average guy have no chance with woman nowadays. We are facing a decrease in birth in Brazil too and this started with the feminism waves, I'm not defending porn, I'm just addressing my point of view.

  3. at 42:49…why do POC feel the need to give attitude and condescension whenever they speak? I see this with POC in all jobs whether it's the federal government or supervisor at a Dunkin Donuts.

  4. Abortions being pushed so hard these days may have an effect on the birth rates…
    cnn talking about how the report cost millions of dollars to put together must have forgotten how many more millions of dollars and thousands of manpower hours were used in the phony investigations that they applauded.. the media truly is an enemy of the USA right now

  5. This is the part that I can't be conservative about. If I had to choose between porn and the chances of encountering a trans-woman in the closet while dating, it's obvious what the choice would be.

    I date real biological women. Period. I sure as hell dont wanna end up into a Jerry Springer situation. And you know what happens when those people "trans-women" come out of the closet.

    I have to say this. It's very easy for those that already found their mate to talk about those that are single that uses porn as copium for the lacking of suitable partners.

    Women nowadays want to exploit men and destroy their reputations through their feminist ideologies. Making sexual harassments claims without justifications. Note: Many are justified, but they have that power without repercussions for false accusations.

    Look at divorce laws, most are in favor of the the woman. Regardless of who's fault it is, men have to game the laws to keep their possessions without being forced to giving the wife half of everything.

    Kids are being taught that stupid LGBTQ ideology and getting those surgeries to destroy their biological bodies. So there should be no surprise that the birth rates are going down.

    What is America doing to solve the decreasing population? Letting illegal immigrants across the border.

    So tell me Ben, what is the alternative? Arranged marriages aren't all that popular here. It would be good for some, but not everyone.

    Love isn't free, the proof is everywhere. Dating is a lot different nowadays, where you swipe left and right for the partner you're looking for. Cheaper, yes in appearance, but sucks overall.

    I definitely wanna see the comments that come with mine here.

    I'm not even going to get into the child support laws.

  6. Thanks Ben for always presenting your point with factual information. Just as porn is destructive to our society I believe the lack of self sufficiency is even more destructive. I am referring to the "i deserve a handout" mentality. I am a senior who, based on income, am eligible for many welfare programs, but i do not accept them. Why not? It's just the manner in which i was raised. Anyway, with the national debt in the spotlight right now. It would be a great time to ask Americans to make more of an effort to be self sufficient. Not necessarily make a sacrifice.
    Just work a bit harder to get by.
    I don't think there is anyone out there who could discuss this topic better than you.
    Sometimes, i see so much government waste due to laziness, I feel like getting that free stuff too. But i don't.
    I need a pep talk Ben. And so does a large portion of our society.

  7. I was literally told when I was growing up that porn led to unwanted pregnancies…

    I love your show but I just don't see a causal relationship between porn and any negative effects on society. Lower birth rates might be attributed to abortions.

    Objectification of women is a feminist argument I don't accept.
    I would look to the Bible and it just isn't there. Women are adults and can choose to take off their clothes if they wish. Married men shouldn't partake, but why can't a single guy look at the menu?

  8. "One citizens vice, should not be another citizens burden".
    Please cover the debt ceiling issue, with a focus on self sufficiency.

  9. Just to clarify about the whole tunnel situation: Israel never dug any tunner under Al Aqsa. First of all, the tunnel doesn't go under Al Aqsa, it goes under the Western Wall across the Temple mount complex, but does not go under Al Aqsa itself. Second, the tunnel existed since biblical times. It is not new. According to legend, when the Romans sacked Jerusalem, the Jews hid the contents of the temple in this tunnel.

    So here is what Israel actually did: The Old City of Jerusalem is decided into 5 parts: The Jewish Quarter, the Armenian Quarter, the Christian Quarter, and Muslim Quarter, and the Temple Mount complex. About 20 years ago, the only entrance to the tunnel was in the Jewish Quarter. Roughly 20 years ago, Israel opened a second entrance in the Muslim Quarter. Israel did this to better explore the tunnel, as it wants to find the contents of the old Temple.

  10. Its not porn sterilizing society, its women. Nearly evert woman ive met below my age group doesnt want children, at tge same time women are, due to app dating, being overselective and jumping ship from relationships the second theres a problem instead of building on their relationships.

    Nearly every man i talk to wants children. Id say about 30% of them are sexually active. The ones married are going through divorce without children. A lot of men are being forced to settle for older women who cant have children anymore.

    Want to change it? Make divorce catastrophic for the initiator outside of provable abuse. Have prison time associated with cheating. Make people doing bad things in relationships bad. Remove no fault divorce entirely and community property.

  11. House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden. After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct…do better ben.

  12. I’ve thought about the population issues before, honestly quite scary to think about. But looking around I can see the effects of onlyfans and other such sites on people younger than me and people I’ve known, less relationships, more mental illnesses like depression, anxiety etc…. I think younger people should be shown that this isn’t real, it’s not what life is all about. I wouldn’t be surprised if the population goes back below 8 billion.

  13. Ben, i respectfully disagree when you said blue laws are a good thing. It is true that having a day of rest is beneficial mentally and spiritually, but it can't just be any day.

    The seventh day Sabbath, that you keep, is the only day that should be observed because it is the mark of God's authority in creation.

    The early Chrisitan fathers kept the Sabbath until the Roman Catholic church made Sunday the day to worship. It started out as able to observe both Saturday and Sunday, but it ultimately became Sunday only observation with Saturday Sabbath forbidden. Sunday is a pagan day of worship that doesn't commemorate Creation whatsoever but is man's mark of power.

    Isn't it interesting how the Pope has gotten so focused on Sunday as a day of rest recently with the UN and WEF? It's going to happen again where Sunday, not Saturday observance is instituted, and eventually the true Sabbath will again be forbidden.

    You can't enforce worship. It never works out.

  14. There is another closely related problem. People paying money for things that have little to no utility. A car enables me to travel, but an expensive car doesn't really enable to travel more.
    Media doesn't really provide real value on a personal level if you think about it. Entertainment doesn't really provide utility. How is my life improved by a concert months after the fact? None.
    Spending money on things that don't enrich our lives and being unconcerned with passing on generational wealth is everywhere in our society and is spelling our doom.

  15. One of my sons friends , dropped out of Stevens Institute of Technology… because she made $55,000 on only fans last year. One lest engineer, one more low end porn slug.


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