Our Lives and Our Nation Will Be Restored! GREAT CHANGES ARE COMING! | Donna Rigney

Donna Rigney explains what the Lord told her is coming to us and our nation. God’s glory is coming. His justice will come with His glory in this time of great changes. Trump needs justice; we need justice!

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26 thoughts on “Our Lives and Our Nation Will Be Restored! GREAT CHANGES ARE COMING! | Donna Rigney”

  1. Thank you, Donna. This is encouraging cuz I'm a single mom & the dad took off when my daughter was 3, she 13 now. I got fired illegally by the fed gov. I sued & won money, but they didn't give me my job back cuz they were mad @ me for winning. Iv been unemployed for 2 yrs. BUT! I see myself in the job, it's coming!

  2. Hi Donna,
    I prayed the prayer with you about uniting our drop of pain with Jesus sufferings. Half hour later, my son asked me if I wanted to go with him to get a smoothie. The pain had been something he did in the morning. I am amazed and thankful to God. Blessings to you, Donna🌻

  3. Donna you are such an inspiration to me and others. You are so brave and kind so soon after your husband died. Glad you got to see him in heaven. God bless


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