WARNING! 2024 Solar Eclipse Just Got Scarier!

#cern #eclipse #solareclipse #news #eclipse2024 #largehadroncollider
04/08/2024 the great North American solar eclipse will make its way across North America, at the same time cern will fire up the large hadron collider or the particle accelerator during the solar eclipse 2024. What will happen when cern starts during the solar eclipse? Will anything happen during the total eclipse 2024

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45 thoughts on “WARNING! 2024 Solar Eclipse Just Got Scarier!”

  1. I’m not saying the evil controllers are not up to their tomfoolery, but, I gotta call BS on Cern…I think its like nasa, a giant money laundering operation…just my 2 cents🫤

  2. Well, according to their ancient gnosis it means 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons which make up man. They think of themselves as God's.

    In other words, the mark of the beast. They are going to be so wrong, and they need to be prayed for.

  3. Y’all heard of the Darwin Award? Don’t win the Pavlov award and many of y’all are going on 4-Peat champions of hoisting the trophy. Zero critical thinking that coming to your own rational conclusions. Instead you parrot talking points that you have been conditioned to parrot and you take positions that you’ve been conditioned to take. It’s classic conditioning running wild on yall. As soon as you hear that proverbial bell you have the Pavlovian emotional reaction that the conditioning commands. Think critically. Ask critical questions. Come to rational conclusions. If you can’t answer some of the questions then do the research. The playing field is level we live in the Information Age. Although I will say you cannot effectively think critically without knowing and understanding anthropology. You need to understand the nature of man at his core and that he is flawed. He will do wrong , he will sin whatever you want to call it. Man will put HIS interests OVER YOURS. The vast majority of the time. His interest at the expense of yours is the default.

  4. The last time humans build the tallest building and tried to reach heaven God confounded their language and dispersed them …What the scientist are doing they are trying to do the same idea, First they want to be like God, 2 nd what they are doing proves they dont believe there is a God , They will not be successful because God and the unseen is not discovered that way, God is discovered by believing in the words of christ, Remember the consequences of what they are doing will have an impact on us, Live the unseen things to God and let us appreciate what things god has given us to understand….

  5. Funny how the new particle accelerator plan says the accelerator will be ready in 2040. 2040 is the next eclipse. TF does CERN want with the eclipses? Thinning the veil. Shooting missiles at the sky to make an ellipse. They're trying to tear the fabric of our universe & open a portal. Now what could they be bringing or sending through this portal? NASA themselves tells us about a serpent deity named Apep… 666 is again, more forbidden knowledge of the portal. The (d)evil is so obvious.

  6. The Bible speaks of conjuring demons. With the past rituals of ishthar in March, we should know that the fireworks will be on display very soon. The testing of the underground, they are about to unalive a whole lot of the world's population. You best believe that from March 11th, 2020 was the beginning of the human sacrifices. If you're not covered by the blood of prince Immanuel, then you will be lost. The Devil knows he has but a short time left, so he is doing everything in his power to claim our lives. Father please come and get your children out of this wicked and sinful world. Even so Lord Jesus come soon

  7. Yeah well, i have been married for 57 years and this thing sitting next to me right now is NOT who i married, i keep asking her who the hell is she and what did she do with my wife.

  8. Modern day Tower of Babel. My take on it is that Satan is endeavoring to create his own world with CERN, and his own race/species under the guise of hybred human/alien beings, as in Genesis ch.3, ch 6 and ch. 11. There's nothing new under the sun – no pun intended -. The false gods, which are actually real demonic and dark entities and their cults narrative of their orgin as well as their narratives of creation are satans false narrative campaign of our history as a species. To get mankind to buy into the Lie. Satan is not only at war against Yaweh, but with mankind, aka the human race, as so declared in Genesis 3:15. Thank God for sending Yeshua as a human to know us at a eye to eye level so to speak and identify with us yet also to make a way back to Yaweh so we could identify with Him, on his level. Also we should be thankful to God for the mighty Internet sluth and collosal warrior, minutes to horror with his mighty bowl of warrior chow, coco puffs! If God permits me to put a coloring book among the books of the Bible, I will for sure include the tale of the creation of this epic man and his bowl of coco puffs! For you are my friend,a truth warrior for certain!!! And seriously, I DO APPRECIATE YOU AND WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!


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