Orthodox Christians SLAM Martin Luther For THIS…

Orthodox Christians SLAM Martin Luther For THIS…
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35 thoughts on “Orthodox Christians SLAM Martin Luther For THIS…”

  1. But Jerome is clear that bishops and priests and pastors are the same thing. You should have had Jordan Cooper on with Jonathan because Jonathan admits that he's not a theologian and Cooper had answers for this.

  2. Luther was a heretic. He rejected 1500 years of apostolic succession. Priesthood. Sacraments. Invented sola scriptura and sola fide. Makes Joseph Smith a veritable orthodox in comparison. Restored was the priesthood, apostolic authority and succession, priesthood, eucharist, sacraments, justification plus sanctification: all Catholic, Orthodox and basic early Christian teachings.

  3. Protestants please don't cope in the comments. As a former Baptist myself I understand your hesitant thoughts, but if you value the Truth then you'll swallow your pride and start researching into church history and start reading the early Saints and Church Fathers. Pray fervently for the Lord to reveal to you the truth and if you're willing to be wrong and trust God to guide you, you'll end up at The Orthodox Church ☦️ The best thing you can do is to go to a Divine Liturgy at your local parish and ask the priest questions about your concerns. God bless and good luck ☦️❤️

  4. Just converted to Orthodoxy. Baptised Lutheran, raised kind of a non dominational. Started attending a Catholic Church, started OCIA. After seeing the things happening in the Vatican, I decided to start attending an Orthodox church, awesome place and congregation. I pray for all my Christian brothers and sisters of all denominations, to endure to the end and to follow the true gospel. Amen. Peace to all.

  5. From most orthodox and Catholics views I hear. Sounds to me like the put there faith in church members and the church. Which they seem to believe is external. Other than putting their faith in Christ the word.

  6. In the Catholic faith, beyond each called to be priest prophet and king, the sacrificial priesthood is the priestly line who are the only ones ordained to offer the sacrifice of the Mass.

  7. 2:47 Where does Pageau even get the idea that Luther being martyred was a practical option?

    Germany didn't have any Inquisition, last time I think someone had been burned was Hus and Jerome of Prague on the Council of Constance. C. 100 years earlier. Apart from my not approving of the comparison between Inquisitors and Red Army, it's a bit like the idea of a Russian Orthodox priest hoping to get martyred by popular fury in Putin's Russia, as if it were Lenin's Russia.

  8. 4:04 Luther is the diametric opposite of St. Maximus (whom Latin rite Catholics celebrate on Aug. 13).

    He's more like Patriarch Sergius, or like Arius' fellows in the service of Constantius II (whose portrait looks like some portraits of Luther).

  9. 4:35 Pageau had the wrong idea of what happened then.

    In the place where he was, Maximus stood alone.

    But in the Church as a whole, he didn't. St. Sophronius of Jerusalem stood out against Patriarch Sergius and even Pope Honorius.

    The Church is not reduced to one voice of truth. Even in Apocalypse 11, there are two of them.

    Elias and Elisaeus (Elijah and Elishah to some) were successive heads of a school of prophets, which we claim became the Carmelite order, the reason why Egyptian monks already found monasticism in Palestine when they arrived, there were 7000 in the North Kingdom that didn't bow down to Baal, but what's more, the South Kingdom didn't.

  10. 5:37 Old Calendarists in the Orthodox Church, that's basically like Trads in the Catholic Church.

    Now, to be precise on the theology of the episcopate : we Catholics hold that a bishop has the right to rule his flock, and a bishop of Rome the Church universal, from the moment he accepts his election or nomination, even if he's not yet ordained a priest or consecrated bishop.

    This means, the idea that one could and even should hold an election outside Rome, even if the elected person had to wait more than 21 full years to be consecrated bishop (1990 vs 2011), as long as he intended to accept ordination and consecration, which he did, immediately resulted in a papacy (if the other factors are right, i e no pope alive then, no other more clerical, more Roman way to get one elected possible at the moment, so the attempt was not usurping someone other's initiative with better rights), meaning, we have had a Pope since Michael I was elected in 1990.

    Unfortunately, lots of trads seem to prefer a take like that of Old Calendarists, based on Orthodox ecclesiology : a bishop is enough.

  11. 6:39 He had no business protesting against indulgences.

    Protesting against monetary arrangements surrounding the specific indulgence preached by Tetzel, I get you.

    The theory was, the indulgenced act is giving a contribution to the building of St. Peter's in Rome. You could do that in materials, like stones, in labour, like going there and personally working, and for people far off, obviously by giving money. In practise, the Dominicans had lobbied to get the right to preach the indulgence, on which they made (also theoretically) a marginal profit, BUT to do the lobbying, they had borrowed money from the Fuggers and in practise 50 % of each gift went to their payment to the Fuggers.

    If he had called that sacrilege and told Dominicans they should pay the Fuggers by other means, fine.

    No, he went against the very idea that the Pope had power to allow certain acts to win graces about the afterlife, for souls that later die (if you win an indulgence for yourself) or have died (if you win one for others) at all, pretending that any soul that really loved God would for that reason so much relish the pains in Purgatory, that he wouldn't even want an indulgence. That was basically what Luther had said back in 1517, one of the things that Pope Leo X told him to retract. Even more, he was on a kind of social "crusade" against all kinds of beggars, both laymen that beg from unwanted poverty and beggar monks or friars who chose poverty as a life style, for God. In Persia, he'd have supported Haman against Mordochai.

  12. 7:08 Actually, Luther very much did acknowledge at least priests were above laymen, as per Jesus chosing the Apostles.

    His schtick about the universal priesthood was not an abolition of clergy, it was simply boosting powerful laymen (fathers, employers, kings) against clergy when it came to the obedience of less powerful laymen (children, employees, subjects).

  13. 9:02 Ah, thank you!

    The Church as the New Israel definitely is in the New Testament (btw, this is one of the things Trads insist on against Ratzinger calling that "Replacement theology"). The Christian Palestinians belong both to the Church and to the physical heirs of the Old Israel.

  14. My friends I have never heard a more ahistorical analysis of Luther ever. Luther was an Augustinian Monk and he received Holy Orders in 1507. He was an ordained Catholic Priest. Luther initially sought reform within the Church have you never read the 95 theses? The reforms he wanted, chief amongst these initially were the discontinuance of the sale of indulgences. He questioned the Church’s teaching on indulgences not on his own authority but on the authority of scripture. The fact that indulgences are wholly devoid of any biblical support and ultimately a money making scheme instituted by Leo and those that both preceded and proceeded him is testament to Rome extravagances with doctrine. Peddling the Lord’s mercy. “When a coin in the coffer rings a soul from purgatory springs….” Was the constant refrain of the indulgence peddler the Dominican Inquisitor Johann Tetzel.

    When you have a system of theology my friend that departs from the biblical witness of Justification by faith alone and imputed righteousness and substitutes its own doctrine of inherent righteousness while conflating Justification with Sanctification then Purgatory becomes necessary. Then of course indulgences become an integral part of relieving satispassio. The finished work of the cross is attenuated.

    The first and second generation magisterial reformers my friends adopted the motto “post tenebras lux” after darkness light! The recovery of the light of the gospel was the work of the reformers. Putting the scripture in the vernacular in the common persons hands was their goal. Unleashing the word of God over Rome’s inquisitions which almost always ended in death was their life’s work. Why do you think Rome didn’t want the scripture translated into the common language and made available to the common person?

    As a former Catholic that loves the church you really need to spend more time looking at both the historical events as well as the reasons that motivated the actions of the magisterial reformers. God bless my brothers.


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