Opening the 4th most hated set in the last decade – Fate Reforged

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32 thoughts on “Opening the 4th most hated set in the last decade – Fate Reforged”

  1. I never heard anyone hating on Fate Reforged TBH. It was an excellent set, several nice chase hits and even a small chance of pulling fetches. Absolutely one of the better products of that age.

  2. Passed up on a Mythic from fate reforged at a flea market this weekend for 2$. Didn't have cell service, got cell service and checked the card. It was Temporal Trespass. Ran back to the booth. Pooooooof, someone beat me to it. I only passed on it because I knew how trash Fate was. Totally mind blanked on Trespass being a hit. It was super minty clean too 😒

  3. D000d sick box opening!! Side note though, quad masters is $400 on tcg with no pictures. Quad masters on Amazon collector and draft both for $225 with a guaranteed hold on the price when pre ordered…..

    Collector boxes only coming with 4 packs tho…. is this real? I'm so confused as too what's happening lol.

  4. I think a lot of it was the fatigue of the "middle child" sets for a 3-set block. Fate wasn't bad, but Khans was incredible, and it just couldn't stand on its own.

  5. Hey what set do you guys think sucks? Cool I'm gonna open it! πŸ˜†I love it!
    You are right, will be interesting to see who wants to watch a set they hate get cracked! I for one had fun, and learned a bit. Thanks as always!

  6. Time changes perspective but I don't think Fate Reforged has ever really been a "hated" set. The Theros block before this one (Born of the Gods especially) was poorly received and the Khans block in its entirety was a lot of fun. I do think the odds of getting multiple fetchlands from a box of Fate Reforged has been grossly exaggerated. Nearest recent comparison would be the odds of getting two retro-frame foils in a box of Time Spiral Remastered. Pretty sure I opened over a dozen boxes of Fate Reforged and never got two in a box, but I know it has happened for others, so I may just be unlucky. So while it's true to say you get 1-2 fetches in a box, you'll get a half dozen 1 fetch boxes before lucking into a 2 fetch box.

    My gut says Monastery Mentor is getting reprinted in Double Masters, which will hurt the value of this set even more. Could even get downshifted to rare.

  7. Regardless of how the set was received, it is still cool to see a set cracked that I know nothing about since I wasn't playing magic at the time. Thanks for the entertainment POA!

  8. First and foremost, appreciate you taking the hit on cracking this POA! Was a fun watch. But man, that went about how I would have expected. Crazy thing is, swap Ugin out for any of the other pedestrian mythics and this box barely cracks $50 of value. So all in all, not the worst outcome. Keep up the awesome content!

  9. Well, that'll learn ya……thanks for diving into it! I'm a noob and admit I haven't even heard of this set. But I'm a firm believer that no matter how bad the set is, there is always a diamond in the rough!

  10. I have one box of this and Dragon's Maze that I picked up as cheap add-ons several years ago. The good news is I got them cheap. The bad news is I won't be tempted to crack them. Or is that good news?

  11. From the collectors perspective this was a decent set, I am not talking about card value but the artwork and some of the flavor text. Thanks for taking me back a few years and revisiting some of these sets from the dark ages of MTG.

  12. I think if this set is at all hated it's because it's possible that the land slot could be replaced by a fetch land. However the real likelihood of that is crazy slim. So I guess to some that comes off as misleading.


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