Open Letter to Gypsy Rose Blanchard #gypsyrose #gypsy #gypsyroseblanchard

This is my open verbal letter to Gypsy Rose Blanchard and I hope this not only has use to her but to everyone in an abusive …


42 thoughts on “Open Letter to Gypsy Rose Blanchard #gypsyrose #gypsy #gypsyroseblanchard”

  1. Pat, what a wonderful idea to give Gypsy a powerful insight in what happened to her and to offer her some practical (and free) advice for her future life! I hope she will listen to this podcast, as it comes from a mother she never had and from an expert in profiling and human nature. Btw, I also thought that Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy was a mental illness.

  2. I don’t know if describing a psychopath love is like loving a dog or a cat. If you are talking to someone that has normal emotions then loving a dog or a cat is deep. I loved all my pets. No way I could just shoot it if I got bored of it. So trying to relate to a psychopath in this way doesn’t fit. Probably better to say it’s like owning a big screen TV that you love watching and then a bigger and better tv comes out then you want to discard the old tv as it’s not as good as the new. I would imagine that is what a psychopaths love is like. They enjoy you until they don’t. Not that I am an expert on the topic but that’s how I imagine their love.

  3. I would love you do a profile on lori vallow. I know it’s been done to death but her brother and uncle are doing a you tube channel and their belief is that lori was “normal” then she became mentally ill which caused her to do the unthinkable. I personally think it’s like you described here. I suspect lori was a psychopath and played the part of good mother and wife. A woman that was heavily involved in the church. She probably does have some kind of mental decline but I suspect that happened after she was locked up. Hard for a psychopath to not be in control so I imagine she is trying to cope to not being in control.

  4. I hope if this message reaches Gypsy she will be open to it, or at the very least not immediately brush it off because it’s hard to hear and believe.

    Years ago when someone suggested to me that one of my close family members was a narcissist I didn’t believe it and it took me years to put the pieces together and build myself back up enough to trust the conclusions I was coming to.

    I just wish Gypsy the best after everything she’s been through. It’s scary and sad to know that there are parasitic people out there that don’t care about her well-being and just want to use her ❤️‍🩹

  5. I agree that gypsy should of gone into a mental institution. Sociopaths and narcissists are created partly due to trauma and abuse as children as well as how you are wired at birth. Her mother was a psychopath then genetically it’s possible she could of passed that onto her child. At least that’s my understanding. The question is, is gypsy once a victim now a perpetrator? Is she a danger to society? She certainly doesn’t show any kind of remorse for what she has done in fact has minimised her involvement. She is definitely enjoying the spot light and day one out of prison she is doing interviews has a book out. She ain’t no fool. She is a victim but she is also a murderer. I would of thought she would of been more humble. I know the narrative she is saying is that she was trapped. That is the question. Was she? In some aspects yes but she was also resourceful. She was an adult and she could of easily found other ways other than murder. How many victims out there that were literally kept prisoner and were found or escaped. Yet none of them resorted to murder. I know maybe there wasn’t an opportunity but you find it’s a lot harder for a person to actually do the deed. If gypsy rose killed her mother in a moment of anger then it would be more plausible but this was premeditated. That to me is the difference. She has this support from her father now. I am sure it was there before. I can’t understand why couldn’t she go to a family member. Why couldn’t she of run off with her boyfriend. She said she did but her mother tracked her. But she made it easy for her mum to do this. Even gypsy could of gone to the police. She could of exposed her mother as a con artist. If she was so co dependent then why kill your mother. That is a permanent detachment. I personally think there was a lot of anger and rage bubbling under the surface and murder was to exact her revenge and to destroy her mother. Anger about being stuck with her mother continuing this charade and never being free to live a normal life. I think gypsy is a really good at putting on that little girls voice and making herself small. As for her new partner.I feel yes he sees her as a celebrity and maybe he thinks he plays the part of protector and hero but watch this space. I think once gypsy is done with him she will discard and make him out to be a controlling abuser. People will believe her because she has played this vulnerable part for a long time.

  6. Pat, you are such a wise lady, you are always so sensible. I agree she should have gone to a hospital. Her mother literally drove her to what was done. She felt hopeless as if there would never be a life and she would never escape her mother. She would always find her and manipulat everyone so they would not belive Gypsey. I also believe munchousens is a choice just like being a pedophile is a choice, not a sickness

  7. Yes having her mom killed was wrong but Gypsey Di not live in reality. Her entire life was manipulation and lies. Gypsy mind didn't quite understand reality and right or wrong. Not the same as us. Most people can't comprehend unless they have been kept captive and abused for so long..

  8. Her mother's evil abuse was caused by her selfish controlling narcissism. Dee Dee deseves the pity any other psycho deserves. Gypsy's dad was 17 when he met 24 year old DeeDee and she soon became pregnant. He married her but left before Gypsy's birth due to Dee Dee's crazy control.

  9. I keep trying to say this same thing …DeeDee was an evil psycopath and there were very few ways to get away from someone who is controlling you with captivity, drugs , etc. Gypsy should have been put in a mental hospital for the last 9 years instead of prison which further violated her chance of healing.
    The people around her now are using her and keeping her from having any kind of normalacy to be happy.

  10. I really hope she watches this…first time I've heard anyone tell it like it is. She really would do well to avoid the lime light, change her name and find people who want her to heal from a life time of being confined and abused.

  11. Theres something wrong when a guy who for obvious reasons cant get a date goes to prison to find a wife. These 2 are going to be TOXIC. Their both jealous, controlling, insecure, and new to relations. She is more experienced than HE IS, believe that!!!.
    Imma stay tuned to watch the "Titanic" sink all over again.

  12. A very heart felt and kind message. I really think the world of you Pat and catch every episode as a subscriber. And with all due respect, I have to say I think you have this one wrong. I do believe, Gypsy Rose shares the same addiction to attention as her mother. I do feel sorry for her but, murder? That's a big leap into psychopathy, as we all know she could and DID run away.

  13. I have listened to many podcasts concerning Gypsy Rose before and after she was released from prison and in my own personal opinion,you have nailed it with your analysis of this case.I have heard some podcasts suggesting that Gypsy was some kind of mad genius not unlike a Marvel supervillain that manipulated Nick like a puppet master.Some podcasters did not believe Gypsy when she said she was afraid to run away or to go the authorities because she felt nobody would believe her.I watched documentaries about Gypsy and Dee Dee and all I could think of was psychopath.compulsive liar,malignant narcississt,con artist and thief.I truly believe that if Gypsy had not defended herself,her mother would have eventually poisoned her somewhere down the line.Thank you so much for validating my gut instincts.

  14. Respect!!! @Profiling with Pat Brown. This demonstrates a career as a personal calling, called at times to community service, Open Letters, pro bono, amicus briefs, and the like. Timely! SO much media attention, yet no expert—until now—offered this direct outreach.

    Gypsy, welcome to YOUR life on this side of civilization, and we hope and pray and expect good things. Take your time. "My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry." James 1:19 Contemporary English Bible

  15. I love that you did this! I agree with almost everything you’re saying- I think more than anything forgiveness is for yourself. You can forgive someone never speak to them again you don’t even have to tell them you forgive them. Holding onto the anger and resentment just makes you a victim to that shit forever.

  16. The Bible says we MUST forgive one another•••

    Mark 11:25
    And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

    Ephesians 4:32
    And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

    Matthew 6:15
    But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    (Edited to add #’s)
    #GypsyRose #GypsyRoseBlanchard

  17. You are sorely lacking in knowledge and professionalism…you can’t even pronounce the word munchhausen properly….and you make all kinds of offensive and undeserved projections about Gypsy’s father who was a TEENAGER when he met Dee and also a victim of hers!!
    You also don’t seem to see that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree with the lying, manipulation and sociopathic behavior of Gypsy that is so similar to dear old mom.

  18. Well it looks like from my previous comment and other people's comments, this case has some very polar opposite opinions. Like Pat says though, we are all not going to agree on everything all the time. I respect that and I have respect for Pat and her channel. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.

  19. I love how kind, insightful and thoughtful this is Pat. ❤ Of course only Gypsy knows how Gypsy truly feels, but I can say that if I was in her shoes this is what I would desire to hear from someone directly. 😊 I enjoy listening to you aswell, I find you so charismatic and morbidly funny at times aswell as in how you sometimes say things and your mannerisms! I look forward to your further content! X


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