Open air sauna and other "temporary" solutions | Ep 3 | ONI Metallic Swampy

Coordinates: M-SWMP-C-2095118603-0-3A

Credits music: When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Cooper Cannell


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33 thoughts on “Open air sauna and other "temporary" solutions | Ep 3 | ONI Metallic Swampy”

  1. Two suggestions regarding your "sauna":
    1. Those buffer tanks will be dumping chill into the area around them, because their bottom left tile is touching a regular granite tile. Switch the floor to insulated tiles?
    2. While it's not a proper sauna brick yet, I think it still makes sense to enclose it in insulated tiles and have the water chill only the insides, not the entire asteroid around it.

  2. Some thoughts:
    – maybe add a "off gassing layer" for Polluted Oxygen?
    Just a 1 deep pool of polluted water, that goes across the maps width. Make sure to avoid any CO2 getting stuck on top of it.
    Apparently it makes 30 kg per 1kg surface cell per cycle. With a 1.8kg pressure cut off
    – maybe you can do distilling without aquatuners? A basic heat exchanger is just running the hot, outgoing water pipes past the cool, incoming water pipes
    – you probably want to put those duskcaps into a farm. Pump the CO2 directly into it. Vent the rest into space.

  3. Your open sauna is more a freeze brick for the moment 😄. I’m using the cold water for taming the copper volcano pre steam turbine, but its the same thing 🙂 it’s how to use the cold the best way.
    I’m always fascinated by all the different approaches we take to problem solving and i like it

  4. I'm not sure if it's intended to be this way but there is a mod that allows dupes to pick up flopping Pacu as all common sense says they should. Search for "flopping pacu" on the workshop and it comes up.

  5. to "re-cork" a volcano, just add a temperature shift plate made of coal to the "cork spot". When the volcano tries to erupt, it will turn the plate into a tile of refined carbon in place.

    Also to echo the others, plug slugs can eat refined metal, so you should absolutely be using them ASAP

  6. Arghh I know you don't use infinite storage, but CO2 is stored compressed, right? So a compression chamber with a wet vent trick is plausible still?
    Compress all that CO2 and store it for the slicksters, pweeease!

  7. I just finally pulled the plug on a 250 cycle base cause my only source of good reliable power died on me and I can't get my steam up and running cause it's too hot. Starting over again and using so many things I learned from you and Magnet.

  8. Love the single metal tile for receiving molten glass. Just means you need to keep the metal refinery going otherwise there will be stagnant cooling water on that tile and an eventual steam BLEVE…

  9. Like I stated. Use the gold geyser on the right to turn polluted water into water. You have a natural cooling system using the below zero abyssalite. Surround the geyser in insulated tile and dig out everything but the abyssalite. When you pump out the water the sub zero temperature will instantly cool the hot water and not raise the temperature of the abyssalite. I've been doing it for over 100 cycles with the gold. It's temperature drops to almost zero into the ice cold water.

  10. I'm pretty sure radbolt collectors still draw power even if automation is off, they collect radbolts but won't fire. Usually I find it better to connect automation to a power switch, which prevents collection but doesn't draw power.

  11. If you’re worried about your radbolt overflow hurting your dupes, you should consider using radbold reflectors. Redirect your radbolts so they come from straight above the material research and any overflow will just hit the ground.


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