One Thing That Could Fix Faction Imbalance – New World

#newworld #amazongames #mmorpg
Join me in this New World video as we talk the most and least popular faction and the one thing amazon could do to fix this imbalance.

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21 thoughts on “One Thing That Could Fix Faction Imbalance – New World”

  1. Colour connotations are definitely the first thing people react on. Some good ideas and great data you found. Another fantastic watch thank you Demone and thank you anonymous data maker

  2. We all knew this would be a problem and it always is in faction based mmo's, i hope they never do sharding that ruins a community i prefer server groups and faction caps, I'm going Marauder no matter what though.

  3. It’s nothing to do with them being yellow it’s everything to do with them being the God Squad! The Covernant is basically the Spanish in the 1400 to 1600s

  4. I'm not sure if it would work at all but allow temporary Alliances between the two lesser factions at a point of territory control ratio, and/or a Mercenary Option for players who aren't directly involved(From different faction) to join the underdogs in someway to help them win 50v50+10to20mercs in the event of underdog win could also give half benefits to faction that assisted for a time or pay the mercs with coin, would create another piece of economy for players. Honestly I just like the thought of being a Merc could be an option for the unaffiliated by companies but would have to be payed in a way that ensures they actively help, but companies could use them as canon fodder if they choose, life of a Merc.

  5. Will be interesting on release. I myself picked Syndicate in the beta, because I don't want to play them at launch :D. Maybe other people do it the same way. Testing the beta with stuff they probably won't play live.

  6. Maybe some sort of incentive? XP, gold, loot boosts for weaker factions? And it could be floating? So just people switching on mass wouldn't game the system – it would immediately even back up. New players would see they get a nice boost but it obviously wouldn't last forever as people came onboard and switched about.

  7. I feel like these numbers are possibly skewed too. I played Marauders on Roruva and we didn’t control 8 territories until the last day. Until the last day, cov had like 4, we had 4, syndicate had 3. It was fairly evenly split. People didn’t care the last couple days of beta.

  8. The problem with the Covenant isn't the color, its the clear association with religious zealotism, no one wants to be related to that type of stuff even in a video game. I would even argue that all other colors look worse, especially the cabbage green of the Marauders imo. Covenant even has the best looking icon imo.

  9. I listened all of their indroductions and when as soon as I saw "logic" it was settled. I didn't care one about which faction was the dominant, not one bit. What bothers me more than anything else as a crafter, what are the odds of having a tier 5 crafting station for those, who could actually craft endgame gear? As far as I could tell, crafting and refinery stations tier was at the mercy of the company who acted as an owner of the town, according to the in-game chat. What is no company will do it symply to prevent crafters from other factions to make best gears?
    I don't want to be forced to do RNG based gear farming in dungeons, I don't want to enter one at all ever if I can choose – choice should be the part of any game claiming to have the "rpg" tag in their genre. Let the crafters have an mmo finally, where they can actually really shine and not being inferior to those, who only play games to do dungeons, so they can posess the best gear.


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