One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Why Does Pokemon Keep Cutting Features?

Today’s video is a discussion related to the continuous cutting of features present in Pokemon, essentially since the 2nd …


46 thoughts on “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Why Does Pokemon Keep Cutting Features?”

  1. I would like the TM’s to be a part of quests. Finding thunderbolt in an area where you can see like a frozen thunderbolt across the map, or finding the fruit needed to make Bullet Seed, or fighting a trainer using Trick Room for Trick Room. Stuff like that. 2 birds with one stone

  2. I can say one thing for sure, I liked the gameplay for legends Arceus way way more than this slow animations to get in the fight, and then to wait to get the move animations… I like the game but if they don’t step up to arceus gameplay with better graphics… then they will get trouble over the long run…

  3. Pokemon is too big of a franchise that they can easily get away with this without cutting too much of a loss in sales.
    They can reduce production effort in order to safe money on workers and people will still buy this rather 'mess' of a game in comparison to anything well anything prior to the switch.

  4. I'm actually considering just deleting all my pokemon for the dex completion (gen 1-7) because of the national dex being removed so I don't really see a reason to pay for Pokemon Home if I can't use whichever pokemon I want :U

  5. I have gotten out of pokemon because of reasons like this. Didn't like Gen 7 mechanically and didn't get 8. And they have to show he is worth the money now for me to get any new game from them like all AAA publishers, imo. Even my hard core friends are getting turned off from all the issues. But unless the money stops flowing then they have no reason to stop…

  6. They also de optimized using healing items from the bag, they added auto heal but took out being able to use more than 1 potion at a time without deselecting the item in bag. It might seem small but it saved a lot of time)

  7. I wish that the games perform well, but since you all general cover my complaints, I wanna cover an issue with end of story/post game. (spoilers)

    it is stupid, especially with violet and the past paradox forms that we can't breed them, and that we don't have their evolutionary forms, or at least an explanation as to why they are gone. no time portal making them infertile or anything. hell the closing of the portal makes no sense, given that the pokemon that were brought through were caught, so they could have literally been contained in their balls since they can be caught, ordered and tamed like any other pokemon. having us catch and maintain the pokemon coming through, using miss tech geek to override the program to improve the time machine, ANYTHING would have been better then "beat AI and shutdown/destroy time machine" plot point. it infuriates me because they did this thing again where they give you a taste of something genuinely interesting (like USUM and ultra space) but don't fully explore it. with the past they basically in all but words explained that the energy fueling these mons, their aggression and everything could be directly tied to Mega Evolution with the way a few forms were similar, or at least whatever may be the source of all the infinite energy used for them or primal reversion. been thinking the red and blue orb are made of large and potent chunks of terra crystals.. point being we don't even get the see that past, and these pokemon are basically neutered and treated like unbreedable UB's (again) and that is dumb IMO.

  8. What actually kinda angers me, from what I've seen and heard of the game so far, is that they removed the option to skip battle animations and apparently the QoL features of the box system that started in gen 3 were removed, which I'm less certain on if that's true or not cus I haven't seen it but I've seen some people complaining about it.

  9. I’m glad you’re acknowledging that all problems with the franchise do not stem from Sword & Shield. I’ve seen people outright denying that any previous generations removed anything or the enhanced versions literally weren’t the exact same game just with some new tweaks. Nostalgia is blinding sometimes for the haters too.
    Although I think one thing you’re neglecting is Scarlet & Violet were not developed by the same people as Legends Arceus. The art makes this clear enough, and usually speaking game development teams don’t particularly share what they’re doing with each other in regards to gameplay features. So it’s not surprising that Legends Arceus didn’t carry over to SV all that much. And instead I believe the next game, whatever that will be, will better reflect Legends Arceus.

  10. Thank you for talking about this, It's unfair how Pokemon can mostly get away with performance issues and lack of consistency. I wish they spent more time and a bigger budget to Pokemon games so they're worth buying, but until I see real effort, and a better looking, more challenging game like Pokemon Coloseum or XD, I will be playing indie monster taming games.

  11. I fully agree with you on your point regarding crafting TMs should be crafted once and then they’re permanent but all the other items should be craftable and they literally could have copied that system form legends Arcues and then tweak it a little and they’d be good to go

  12. One feature that I would kiss Gamefreak's feet to remove is the affection mechanic. Who likes it? I've only seen complaints since it's introduction but it keeps getting shoved down our throats.

  13. I don't care about the tms as long as they are not tedious to grind but the SET option beimg cut is kinda annoying. I loved playing with the option on cause even if it doesn't make the Game really hard, it's way better than being asked all the time if u wanna switch, even tho ur completly steamrolling the opponent lol

  14. You know, all critics are valid, and you show disappointment with pokémon for sometime now, hell, pokémon wasn't even on top of your monster taming tier list. But let's be honest… Pokémon is still "mediocre", because it still the best in the genre, in graphics, in on-line features, in number of and quality of monsters, in battle system… There's just no competition.
    When someone make a monster taming game there are even comparable, with neat graphics, cool monsters, competitive battle systems, trading and everything else, then the pkmn company would see the need to up their game.
    Until then, we get what we get.

  15. What really annoys me is the not visible sleep status in battles. When the Pokémon are out of their ball they can fall asleep and have real animations with laying down and closing their eyes. In a fight they just keep standing with their eyes open. Why?

  16. I heard that gamefreak hates the Nuzlock. So I think the switch option was taken out bc a lot of ppl use it for Nuzlocks.
    They say they hate nuzlocks bc it rewrites the software n it’s not the way gamefreak wants us to play their game. But I think they hate the randomized nuzlock bc that’s when u change the software not like a regular nuzlock which is just self empossed rules.

  17. crafting TMs from caught/defeated wild pokemon mat drops shoulda been in PLA. you already craft your own pokeballs and healing items, why not show how TMs were made back then too?

  18. I preferred when it was just a third version of games. At least generations two through four the third games changed up or added to the story in interesting ways. I haven't really enjoyed a mainline game since gen five, but there it was direct sequels.

    I personally have no horse in the TMs discussion, since I was fine with the original single use system, but grinding to craft could be a frustration.

  19. I know this is very minor but I miss being able to customize your character’s. Like it’s super great that we got all those face and hair options but I like dressing up my characters. Because now there’s a higher likelihood that you will bump into someone else that picked the exact same options.

  20. Instead of buying the new pokemon game I've bought a few other monster catchers on steam for half the price! I can't stand Gamefreak anymore, they don't deserve my money.

  21. Because no matter what they do…people will always buy it.

    Gamefreak have always been a " This is our product, buy it or don't" sorta company, and people keep buying it no matter what so they will always stick with what works.

  22. I’ve accepted Pokémon will continue being mediocre just so they can milk our wallets, they won’t get money from me anymore too many other monster tamer games that deserve way more support

  23. Agree it has performance issues, but I actually really like the game. At least I never played Pokemon cause of graphics – so to see in which direction they are at least trying to go feels very good, the story was kinda cool and if you like how to tame your dragon, there will be some very nice references coming for ya. The shiny grind is so much better than it used to be generations ago (Which is a big thing for me).
    I hope they will try to tweak their perfomance issues and polish things up in the future 🙂 Im at least positive and just enjoy the game so far.
    Im curious whats coming next, probably some kind of DLC – a theorycrafting vid where and in which direction that could go would be very cool Ed 😀

  24. I want the battle recorder to come back so I can record the battle back while it's playing like a movie–without the move selection segments.
    I kind of agree that we shouldn't be able to challenge the elite 4 in the same way that we did in the Victory Road quest. The champion shouldn't have to go through the champion assessment again.

  25. They've already removed features just to bring them back in DLC.
    In gen 6 we had an option to completely reset any Pokémon's EVs all at once for free. Then they removed this feature and it didn't come back until Sword & Shield's DLC, and even then it wasn't free; it costed several Armorite Ore.


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