One of the COOLEST Builds I've run into in New World PVP

Defense, Sustain, Respectable Damage, and a TON of GRIT! Definately one of the coolest Tank PVP builds I’ve come across so far!



23 thoughts on “One of the COOLEST Builds I've run into in New World PVP”

  1. Been theorycrafting a spear build myself. Perforate rend with javelin rend perk… but what to pair it with? Could musket for trap rend and shooter empower perk sneak its way in? Probably not! But I wanna get the gear and give it a go anyways heh.

  2. kind of annoyed at how much damage these tank builds can do while also taking less / having sustain / having grit and being rewarded for left clicking. any trade you take with them you will lose, they do more damage than you, take less damage than you while also being unstoppable

  3. this is why you get the 20% more damage vs grit passive, just spam dodge back + heavy spear attack, works well

    also, the kick stun works against grit, so if you open with that, you can follow up with a sweep+ heavy

  4. I'm also running Sword and Hatchet. I been going all Str and people don't realize yet that Sword has crazy Dps modifiers too where it can slap. Where you get dmg increase from blocking and if you land a heavy attack you get another 30%. So the idea is to crush in a CC with sword then if you gotta kite switch to hatchet heal.

  5. I’ve been running hammer hatchet so i get the same cc and grit on all hammer heavies with fortify. I also use infected throw instead of rend to prevent people from healing.


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