One lawyer quits team Trump, while another says evidence "will lead to a conviction & prison time"

It’s getting harder and harder to keep track of all the lawyers who are quitting team Trump. Another one – Tim Parlatore – just announced he’s leaving Trump’s defense team after testifying before the grand jury about the stolen classified documents probe.

Parlatore’s trajectory is reminiscent of what happened to criminal defense attorney Evan Corcoran. Special Counsel Jack Smith defeated multiple privilege claims and compelled Corcoran to testify about Trump in the same grand jury. Thereafter, Corcoran withdrew from representing Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

Former Trump lawyer and fixer – not too mention former
Attorney General – Bill Barr has also gone on record as saying Trump “is very exposed” in the documents case and that Trump’s claims and excuses “aren’t gonna fly.” Finally, and most directly, one of Trump’s former White House lawyers ,Ty Cobb, just told CNN that he believes Trump’s documents crimes “will result in a conviction and prison time.”

It’s hard to believe all these attorneys who represented Trump are wrong about the likelihood that he will be indicted for his crimes.

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31 thoughts on “One lawyer quits team Trump, while another says evidence "will lead to a conviction & prison time"”

  1. Glen, you’re not taking a vacation if you’re still monitoring news sources and mining social media for evidence. Put on the headphones and turn up the tunes. Enjoy the sun and spray; seafood and your wife. (Just saying, my wife is no longer with us; wish I had made more time for her, just say’n).

  2. So, make America Great Again, means that we can tar and feather Donald trump's, then take four horse's to rip apart his body parts by having the horses go to different direction? I totally agree for that traitor, trump. Tar, feather and draw with horses. Maga!

  3. Here's a question. Make America great again? Does that mean to tar and feather traitor's like Donald trump's and then use four horsemen to rip apart their body parts of obvious Traitors? Donnie!?! ( You better watch what you ask for.).

  4. So, when trump branded, Make America Great Again, he was talking about how many criminal activity he use to get away with. Including a red carpet rolled out on 5th Ave.NY… his old ny address is 666. Let's not forget that.

  5. Watching a lot of these Trump news, and honestly in my opinion, it is about time, that this entitled bully kid (he acts as one) needs to learn that he can not do what he wants scott free… The most entitled crazy thing i keep hearing, is every single time he uses the 45 President of the United States… Just to keep it real and factual… He was the 45 President of the United States, and now he is one of the Ex-Presidents of the United States… He's complete title is very simple… Its Mr Trump… And he is not liking that… And in my opinion there has only been two kings in the United States, the king of rock and the king of pop… All other kings that have been in the United States, has been people from other country's… So what title is he going for next… Emperor mayby… Love your podcasts and your explanations of rules and laws of the court systems… Thanks alot for your work and sorry for my rantings on that entitled baby…


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