Omar Suleiman: Islam | Lex Fridman Podcast #352

Imam Omar Suleiman is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and a professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
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Clips playlist:

0:00 – Introduction
4:06 – God
11:51 – Loss
20:41 – Life after death
22:20 – Why God allows suffering
35:45 – Seeking the truth
43:24 – Islamophobia
1:08:22 – Muslim ban
1:11:44 – Where do Muslims stand politically
1:15:51 – Meaning of prayer
1:29:28 – Mecca
1:34:39 – Malcolm X
1:37:50 – Muhammad Ali
1:42:36 – Khabib Nurmagomedov
1:48:46 – Prophets
1:54:57 – Quran
2:00:44 – Ramadan
2:07:48 – Future of Islam
2:10:57 – Colleyville synagogue hostage crisis
2:19:04 – War and religion
2:28:56 – Israel and Palestine
2:54:39 – Hope for the future
2:59:23 – Omar leads Lex in prayer

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38 thoughts on “Omar Suleiman: Islam | Lex Fridman Podcast #352”

  1. Here are the timestamps. Please check out our sponsors to support this podcast.
    0:00 – Introduction & sponsor mentions:
    – NetSuite: to get free product tour
    – House of Macadamias: and use code LEX to get 20% off your first order
    – ExpressVPN: to get 3 months free
    4:06 – God

    11:51 – Loss

    20:41 – Life after death

    22:20 – Why God allows suffering

    35:45 – Seeking the truth

    43:24 – Islamophobia

    1:08:22 – Muslim ban

    1:11:44 – Where do Muslims stand politically

    1:15:51 – Meaning of prayer

    1:29:28 – Mecca

    1:34:39 – Malcolm X

    1:37:50 – Muhammad Ali

    1:42:36 – Khabib Nurmagomedov

    1:48:46 – Prophets

    1:54:57 – Quran

    2:00:44 – Ramadan

    2:07:48 – Future of Islam

    2:10:57 – Colleyville synagogue hostage crisis

    2:19:04 – War and religion

    2:28:56 – Israel and Palestine

    2:54:39 – Hope for the future

    2:59:23 – Omar leads Lex in prayer

  2. Absolutely amazing. Omar suleiman obviously is an excellent orator, watched many of his lectures, but the host did true justice to this task. Asking the right questions, least interference during the replies and on top of that joining him in the prayers…unprecedented 👍👏👏

  3. Their is so much nuance that he is completely neglecting to speak about with regard to Israel- Palestine conflict.
    The reason why their is a checkpoint (which Jews also have to go through a checkpoint for the record) Is because their have been intifada's that Palestinians Government has funded to kill Jews! So what would you have it? no checkpoint, and willingly allow for state funded terrorist attacks? or have a preventative where people can't bring guns, knifes etc…
    Why is their a child detainment center? because the children have been caught trying to knife people on the streets!
    At first glance, it's easy to say Israel is the bad guy, but when you do an ounce of in depth research, most stories and videos that make Israel/IDF look bad, end up being completely misrepresented.
    This is NOT to say the IDF or Israel doesn't make mistakes (for example the death of the journalist).
    I recommend speaking with Rudy Rochman Twitter: @rudy_rochman
    He is very knowledgeable and speaks with nuance of the situation.

  4. Listening to the "Seeking the truth" part of the interview reminded me of L. Tolstoy's words:
    "Often people think they believe in God's law, but they only believe in what the majority believes. And the majority do not believe in the law of God, but call the law of God that which suits their life and does not prevent them from leading it."

  5. What he said about Ramadhan, swear to God that true. I am not eating, I haven't slept and I have the best routine and most amount of energy. Its just days are sorta longer and you get more stuff done while you spend hours on prayers supplications. Its insanity. And Muslims are sad when Ramadan leaves and they pray to have one more Ramadan. I wish I was delusional being a physicist but I still can't explain this mystery.

  6. Thank you Omar and Lex for this great conversation x x x

    Half way true i wondered why this created hate agenda against Islam and Muslims and Muslim countries happend and still is happening and supported by western politics an media???
    Got me thinking, maby the same old so called "the Matrix people" behind it and dont want Islam because it fears them and there capitalist corrupt evil ways and fear of loosing power is the reason???
    Look at what happend recently to Kanye West and perhaps Andrew Tate against our freedom….
    They have devided and put us humans against each other in all kinds of ways like rich and poor left and right black or white and so on. So that peace if far away and the world stays a mess..
    I think the solution is that good people regardless race or religion must unite and be against the matrix. And we should support freedom and peace..
    Oww and lol i think ISLAM is THE SOLUTION…

  7. It's interesting that when looking deeper into Greek philosophy you find that most contributions and continuation of greek philosophy were highly researched in the Islamic period. Contributions of the likes of Avicenna offer the most comprehensive review of greek philosophy the world has ever known. Particularly Aristotle.

  8. If my father tell me "don't steal" stealing is no good.

    because he is my father who brought me to this world and fed me loves me and wants the best for me I resist the temptation of stealing.

    But if I come to realization that stealing is no good and I value self respect, logic and moral I make a decision that stealing is no good and I won't do it. That is a true me, not when I do it for another reason.

    When you do it for another reason the dynamic can change and your behaviour change. let say my father now divorce my mother and I am angry, how would I react now. Perhaps I do everything opposite to revenge him.

    So, my point is that our true self is when we do things based on our logic and moral and a sense of what is right or wrong. We use our head.

    So, if I do what God ask me to do, I do it for him to get reward or to avoid punishment. Same as I do it because my father asked me to do. Then it is not a true me. And it does not make me a better person.

  9. Lex, thank you for interviewing such a brilliant man on a very important topic. I hope your listeners take the time to absorb all of the information that was divulged and even feel the desire to look further in to Islam. I am a recent convert (previously Roman Catholic) and I can affirm, it's a great religion. Inshallah(God Willing) this podcast will create many more Muslims.

  10. "Free speech is weaponized against the Muslim community". No, big parts of the Muslim community are unable to both adapt to decent values and a modern world. And unable to live in a country with free speech. No ones been attacked for doing a caricature of Macron. People all over the world live in fear for being attacked for blasphemy, teachers in England have to go into hiding. No country with a decent sized muslim community has any free speech anymore or can even teach sex ed in schools anymore.

  11. Thank you for posting this, it is very important and interesting. Lex, you are extremely intelligent. You have common sense and kindness for humanity. Podcasts such as this can help others understand other cultures. I am half Arabic and grew up in the 60s, a great but difficult time. I had a cousin in Lebanon who fought in the war at that time. I was questioned by teachers after leaving Catholic school to public Jr. High, what my nationality was. This was so weird to me because I embraced every culture and found the beauty and fascination in all.
    God bless you and all you do. Wonderful podcast!

  12. Incredible! Man, I did not expect that from you, Lex. You left me no choice but to respect you for your humility and sincerity. If I was next to you, I would give you a big brotherly hug!

  13. The soul with a body is very Buddhist in nature which fits with what was going on in the world religiously at the time.
    I read a lot of comments saying "lex didn't challenge him". Why would he need to? We know as a society and species at this point that religion is personal. The scientist doesn't need to grill the spiritual. There is little purpose in that at this point. People who believe, will. People who won't or can't ,don't. I'm the latter. I consider myself agnostic with an atheistic lean. I didn't need to hear lex grill this man. I needed to here this man's story and ideals. Just imho of course.

    (Edit) Also, I've only ever seen Lex grill anyone on economics and it was more him asking questions than grilling.

  14. Allah U Akbar God is great.
    I left USA in 2021 at 79 for a safe and 70% less expensive in Queretaro.

    Send ALL criminals to Russia etc one way with shaved heads
    Karma never loses an address. and we reap what we sow.
    I left USA in 2021 at 79 for a safe and 70% less expensive in Queretaro.

    Send ALL criminals to Russia etc one way with shaved heads
    Karma never loses an address. and we reap what we sow.

  15. I'm a bit disappointed that Lex was so uninformed about the Israel-Palestine conflict and Omars allegations. He was talking extremely biased about this topic. Taking HRW and Amnesty International as a reliable source is just a joke. Both are absolutely Pro-Palestine. HRW even travelled to Saudi Arabia to raise funds for ,, Demonizing " Israel. Amnesty International has ties to Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists. At this point it’s evident that they are driving an Anti-Israel and even antisemite way. Or look at the UN Human rights council. From 2015 through 2022, the UN General Assembly has adopted 140 resolutions on Israel and 68 on other countries. So according to them There are 2 times more human rights violations in Israel then the entire World. That’s just absolutely ridiculous and all of these organisations are a perfect example of double standards. And Omar is just doing the exact same not talking about one single Crime of Hamas, PFLP or any other terrorist organization. I'm not jewish and not Israeli. I'm a german citizen who just recognizes unjust as Omar claims to do. ( else I recognise Israeli HR violations but it should be in a fair way ).

  16. Gustaak e rasool ki el hi saza sar tan se juda. A call for beheading those who insult the prophet. A slogan that is usually heard in Indian streets made by Muslims. Recently a man was beheaded in India, thanks to the violent religion of Islam. Not to mention the stone pelting after Friday prayers which is a regular occurrence. Why are these issues never discussed ?


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