Oklahoma Softball Team Says This About Jesus !!!

OU Sooners just won the college world series! During their press conference the young ladies said some interesting things about Jesus ! Come Watch as St.Cabot explores this topic and discuss some take aways from this prolific event!


24 thoughts on “Oklahoma Softball Team Says This About Jesus !!!”

  1. It’s so refreshing hearing these young ladies praise Jesus! Coach Patty Gasso has always made it known that her faith was important and it trickles down to her team. A big reason why they’re such a top tier program.

  2. ESPN wasn't expecting those answers I'm surprised they didn't cut away to a commercial now creepy Joe we'll probably stick to department of Justice on them ste Mara threat to the country because they are based

    And I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them 4 peat next season

  3. I'm from Oklahoma and a huge fan of these girls and it's not just the three you witnessed. It's the whole team who live lives of faith. They've held baptisms in hotel pools for each other. They are truly guiding lights.

  4. Thank you St. Cabot for showcasing these ladies . For this Oklahoma program is not ashamed of the Gospel . They are a Living ministry and the whole country has taken notice . There Love for Christ is beyond measure no where in sports have we ever witness such passion and conviction. I’m stunned and shocked ! I just want to repent right now and reevaluate my relationship with the Lord . This is what I needed to hear . Ladies keep being that beacon of light so that any vessels that is lost can now find there way home into the β€œ Joy of the Lord β€œ again ! Be Bless

  5. Real talk my brother, I've been following Oklahoma Sooners Athletics my whole life but haven't been more proud of them until the past few years when the whole athletic program started becoming more outward and open with proclaiming their faith. Go listen to the head football coach and players in various interviews. This world needs more christians to stand up and yell it from the mountain tops. Bless you for sharing this video and all praise be to God πŸ™πŸ’ͺ

  6. Love i am from oklahoma & these ladies are representing this state in the best way! Most proud of this! Too many people in sports praise so many other things but are scared to praise God…I'm glad these ladies put God first!

  7. I so needed to hear this today.
    I actually watched a portion of this game as I was driving across country. I stopped to fuel and catch a bite to eat and the game was on the television. Florida and Oklahoma were tied in the game I was watching. I wondered who won. Looks like Jesus Christ won.


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