Ojeda Live: Welcome Back Major!!

Join Major (ret) Richard Ojeda tonight as he breaks down the hot topics, memes and more!


14 thoughts on “Ojeda Live: Welcome Back Major!!”

  1. Major Ojeda, Happy you're back and I love the love you so proudly share about your family and the love you have for them.
    You never know just how much you really did love your family until your all alone in it by yourself. My last family members died in 2007 4 months apart. I lost my Mother in Feb. and lost my husband that June. I've lived all alone since then and I don't have persay friends after getting burned by one, I now have only two I consider to be a friend. I've been stuck in my house for 3+ years and haven't been out but 17 times to the grocery store and doctor appointments because my car died on me and all I have is SSA, SSDI and a small VA Pension. I say all this… PLEASE no matter what tell your loved ones even the ones your mad at you love them every time they walk out that door or before you hung up that phone.


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