In this episode me and Ty go to Henry county, IN to see how the staff handle themselves. Things don’t go exactly how the staff wants it, so they inevitable flip out and call the cops. This is great!!!

Henry County treasurer # (765) 529-4404

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40 thoughts on “OFFICIALS WITH ATTITUDE! (O.W.I) THESE PEOPLE NEED THERAPY! 1st amendment audit FAIL!”

  1. You are nothing but idiots causing problems for people so you can get YouTube Views! Try doing something constructive with your life! It's not your job to create problems and get reactions from people so you can film it for a BS YouTube Channel! You want to solve problems but you are one of the biggest problems! Get a real job and act like a decent human being!

  2. Sadly this is what happens when dumb is allowed in goverment, these biased laid back country folks dont get it they just dont. And why hmm cause they dont like or love the freedoms there all to have.

  3. Office full of Karen's that don't know the law and feel that their positions entitle them to more then the tax payer. When we the people cite a law, they public servants throw their hands up. How dare you tell us how to our jobs. Just another example of the incompetence of our public employees, including law enforcement. Hire the least educated people and you can control the narrative. Thanks for exposing the stupidity.

  4. @ChandTyaudits Oh You have a BIG MOUTH for be such a little men, You Frauditors feel that You are better than every body else, what You are is TRASH the SCUM of this COUNTRY, You should be ashame of using the constitution as an excuse to Make money. LOOOOSER

  5. man you have stirred up a hornets nest of karens, ignorance of the city employees, disrupters this county commissioner needs to resign always love when they say are you a taxpayer, federal funds commissioner you are definitely misinformed in your job

  6. I would really like to see one of these auditors asked these people 1 very simple question, How many of your grandfather's or possibly father's great Uncle's et cetera who died to defend this country, Would see your action of denying me my rights any different than they solved the nazis from running construction camps?

  7. They got the employee/employer relationship bass ackwards.
    I'd be happy to correct them.
    And if along the way they really F up by touching me, F calling the cops.

  8. Government employees (and commissioner): openly intentionally rude, unprofessional, disrespectful, condescending, confrontational, verbally abusive, argumentative, demeaning, belittling, devaluing, seek conflict, insulting to tone of voice, facial expression, body language, physically threatening.

    Have below elementary level social, listening, verbal and interpersonal communication customer service skills. Not welcoming, approachable, courteous, and unqualified.

    Taxpayers/general public should only be treated w/ utmost respect, dignity, polite, courteous, knowledgeable professionalism (w/ or w/out camera) throughout entire encounter which did not occur just the opposite.

    As treatment directed toward taxpayers/general public is appalling, intentionally degrading, repulsive. Standard code of professional conduct is nonexistent rather exposes psychological mental health issues of being antisocial accompanied w/ severe anger and impulse control. An overall display of stupidity, lack of maturity, mockery, sheer unbridled anger (specifically the commissioner) plus failure to identify, and refusal of government services.

    Defund, remove from public office, terminate governmental agencies personnel for complete lack of accountability, transparency, professionalism, ethics


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