Officer wounded during Jan. 6 weighs in on Trump's target letter

Former President Donald Trump says heโ€™s been informed by special counsel Jack Smith that he is a target of the criminal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election leading up to the January 6, 2021, attack at the US Capitol. CNNโ€™s Manu Raju speaks to top Trump allies on the hill, followed by a conversation with Wolf Blitzer and Michael Fanone, an officer present during the insurrection. #CNN #News


33 thoughts on “Officer wounded during Jan. 6 weighs in on Trump's target letter”

  1. Americans ARE tired of trump. TRUMP (trump's DOJ) held Reality Winner in pretrial detention for 16 months then locked her for 5 years. Trump gets to fly around the country and tell lies. It is tiring.

  2. When McCarthy speaks, I hear blah, blah, blah! Heโ€™s worthless, spineless and traitorous! What the hell is wrong with the GOP? Going after Jack Smith for doing his job. Talk about weaponization of the government! The right wing is absolutely engaged in this crap!!๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿ’ฉ

  3. Officer Frone is one of many of my personal hero's. He took his oath as an officer and his personal beliefs to defend our country at it's greatest need. I thank him and the whole white detail. To all law enforcement thank you for giving of yourselves daily. Never enough words of gratitude. And yes to the nay sayers, yes there are bad cops. Yep, however there are more good than the bad. Take care of the bad. Praise for Officer Frone his actions, he gave his all. ๐Ÿ˜ขโค

  4. To you maga diehards,Nobody has this much trouble, impeachments,criminal indictments,sexual accusations,failed insurrection,ect,ect,ect….this is a chronic Lawbreaker…face it, criminal behavior is all he knows.

  5. It really wasn't easy to find this dirty cop his father's is a well known crook and well known Washington lawyer who's rob clients left and right and has donated thousands for the fraudulent beast in chief crooked Joe. To find this officer they dug in the bottom of the barrel deep down.the other 3 officers are BLM activist and supporters who infiltrated the capital police yrs ago and participated in the circus Jan 6 commete of insurection joke. 99% of capital police believe in America first not like this 5 thugs that partipated in the circus commity 99% of capital police know it was a peaceful protest and stood peacefully to protest the 2020 rigged fraudulent election,really doesn't take a rocket scientist or brain sergeant to determine the election was stolen. The real threat to the nation was never saxquach white supremacists or green man from Mars like the state run media claims the real threat is corrupt FBI corrupt intelligence community and corrupt department of injustice very obvious

  6. For the MAGAT GOP to threaten to go after Special Counsel, Jack Smith means they are very very scared. THey will stop at nothing to slow things down or try and stop. Eileen Cannon has already NOT given a date for the trial.

  7. We here in Australia have a saying โ€“ weak as piss. Just saying โ€“ MAGA republicans wouldnโ€™t last five minutes here in Australia, because we call BS when we see it.

  8. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Tired of Government folks, who put us and our USA BY Jeopardizing OUR COUNTRY. They are "Domestic Terrorists, Traitors". They are doing and saying untrue words. " lock them all up, as example. !!!

  9. The Republicans are speaking with forked tongues ,because they the republican party was working with trump administration he learned his lesson and they was covering up for trump and the republican party ,I don't think so because over 800 are doing jail time as the results of January 6th

  10. Trump's rhetoric is a not even subtle call to his cult members to respond with violence. He needs to be retained pending trial. Trump is a clear & present danger to our country, our Democracy and to the world.

  11. Trump should of been impeached but Republicans stopped it twice. I blame Republicans for January 6th. They knew he was a problem off the bat. They covered for him for 8 years now. Republicans need to speak up now. We can not give him 4 more years. He's incompetent to lead.

  12. Im with you. And all the others hurt and tormented by the drama, the vindictiveness, the violence. This is so sick, remrmber that Marorie Taylor Greene Voted that theses brave men and women did not deserve a medal for defending lives. Esp. the Lives of Mike Pence, whom stood by Trump throughout everything. The man had a noose made for him . skull emoji.

  13. Too bad the dems want to lose and get Trump back in power, because they don't want to keep making campaign promises to their voters that they have no intention on keeping, because their true loyalty is to their donors, who also own the republican party.


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