Officer rescues newborn baby outside hospital after pulling father over for running a red light

A police officer in New Mexico helped rescue a newborn baby just feet from a hospital. The officer pulled over the father after he ran a red light on his way to the hospital with his wife, who was in labor. The man’s wife then gave birth in the car.

Officer Ismael Perez says the umbilical cord was compressed, and the baby was not breathing. He then began patting the baby’s back, trying to clear his throat and that’s when the baby started crying.

The officer then handed the baby over to the nurses, and congratulated the new dad.



2 thoughts on “Officer rescues newborn baby outside hospital after pulling father over for running a red light”

  1. Cops always be preventing safe travel making lady have child on road in car like barbarians society all bcus cops are tyrants thn want play dad whn lady forced to have cops hands in her vagina


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