Odds & Ends 143: ArnFest 2023, Viewer Mail and Other Shop Goodies!

Odds & Ends 143: ArnFest 2023, Viewer Mail and Other Shop Goodies!

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20 thoughts on “Odds & Ends 143: ArnFest 2023, Viewer Mail and Other Shop Goodies!”

  1. The new blue color Norton surface grinding wheel may be a Norton SG ceramic wheel. For a lot of different types of grinding can be a lot better than a aluminum oxide wheel .
    If it is it's a great find and an a very expensive wheel.

  2. Haha if you don't like odds and ends videos don't watch them, the clue is in the titles.
    I used to sigh everytime one came up as a chore to get through, after a little while I released I'm always glad part way through that I did.
    I can spot a reamer a mile off now and had no idea there were other ways to precisely "lap" holes.

  3. Sapphire or diamond. Pure Sapphire is clear. I have pure sapphire. Green, Red, and Black are 8.x (high 8 or 9.0) While the Pure clear diamond looking is 9.1. Green is Emerald, Red is Ruby and Black is Black or Star.

  4. The shop coat was my favorite among all of the items. In the way back when I worked as an engineer these were issued by the stockroom. If i went out to the shop, I wore one. Kept my white shirt and tie clean. i had to go to the closet and dig through the garment bags to see if I still had one. I'll be wearing it tomorrow when i go out to my shop. Thanks for another interesting video.


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