OCTOBER 10 PM – Divine Deliverance: God's Personal Promise | Charles Spurgeon | Updated Devotional

OCTOBER 10 EVENING – Divine Deliverance: God’s Personal Promise | Jeremiah 15:21 | C H Spurgeon | Updated | Devotional | Inspirational.
*Devotional readings are taken from ‘Morning & Evening: Daily Readings’ by Charles H Spurgeon.
It is in the Public Domain.

Mr Spurgeon’s Daily Readings/Devotionals on this channel have been updated so that those ‘Thee’s’ and ‘Thou’s’ have been changed and the Bible passages are quoted from the New King James version, instead of the King James version.

We have also included Bible references and the hymn writer’s name in the video where relevant, although they are not read out.

Please be sure to check out our channel for the twice-daily devotionals from Charles H Spurgeon.
#CharlesSpurgeon #Spurgeon #DailyDevotional

This evening’s devotional has been summarised by the ‘Be Very Inspired’ team.


“I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grip of the terrible.” Jeremiah 15:21 [NKJV]

Note the glorious personality of the promise. I will, I will. The Lord Jehovah Himself intervenes to deliver and redeem His people. He pledges Himself personally to rescue them. His own arm shall do it, that He may have the glory. Here is not a word said of any effort of our own which may be needed to assist the Lord. Neither our strength nor our weakness is taken into the account, but the lone I, like the sun in the heavens, shines out magnificently in all sufficiency.

Why then do we calculate our forces, and consult with flesh and blood to our grievous wounding? Jehovah has power enough without borrowing from our puny arm. Peace, you unbelieving thoughts, be still, and know that the Lord reigns. Nor is there a hint concerning secondary means and causes. The Lord says nothing of friends and helpers: He undertakes the work alone, and feels no need of human arms to aid Him.

We look in vain to companions and relatives; they are broken reeds if we lean upon them – often unwilling when able, and unable when they are willing. Since the promise comes alone from God, it would be well to wait only upon Him; and when we do so, our expectation never fails us. Who are the wicked that we should fear them? The Lord will utterly consume them; they are to be pitied rather than feared.

As for terrible ones, they are only terrors to those who have no God to run to, for when the Lord is on our side, whom shall we fear? (Psalm. 27:1) We only have reason to be afraid if we run into sin to please the wicked, but if we hold fast to our integrity, the rage of tyrants shall be overruled for our good. When the fish swallowed Jonah, (Jonah 2:10) he found him to be a morsel that he could not digest; and when the world devours the church, it is glad to be rid of it again. In all times of fiery trial, let us possess our souls in patience.



Hope you have enjoyed and have been inspired by this evening’s devotional by Charles Spurgeon. Please also check out this morning’s devotional as well.


Charles H Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) was a well-known and much-loved English preacher known as the ‘Prince of Preachers’.
Mr Spurgeon was pastor of the New Park Street Chapel, now known as the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London for nearly 40 years.
Mr Spurgeon was a prolific Christian writer. He had authored many books and had been translated into many languages, even during his lifetime. His sermons at Metropolitan Tabernacle are still being read by many Christian readers and watched on Youtube worldwide.


The ‘Be Very Inspired’ Channel has been created to provide quality Christian materials to inspire Christian Living in this uncertain time.
We hope in a small way, we can encourage each other as we look forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in all His Glory.

We have also included relaxing music to the video to let you enjoy your viewing experience.
We appreciate your viewership and we welcome any constructive suggestions or comments below.

God Bless!


#Jesus #Bible #Christian #Devotional #Motivational #Inspirational


5 thoughts on “OCTOBER 10 PM – Divine Deliverance: God's Personal Promise | Charles Spurgeon | Updated Devotional”

  1. You all do such a wonderful job everyday and I appreciate it. l hate to ask anymore of you, but you have such beautiful scenery at the end . I would love to know the locations. I don't know why.😊 l am just curious 🤔 Just a suggestion 🥰Thanks 👍


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