Obey God, Deft Tyrants, Part 21: "What is truth?" (Part 2)

“For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”Jesus, in John 18:37

“I am the…truth.” Jesus, in John 14:6

The cause of the crisis in contemporary American culture is not really political or economic; it is our fundamental failure to faithfully speak up and stand up for the truth, as revealed in Christ and His word. The church wins or loses according to our faithfulness in bearing witness to the truth!

“If we compromise on the issue of absolute truth, then we betray the next generation to absolute darkness. If we do this, then may God have mercy on their souls—and, even more, on ours.” Dr. Donald T. Williams

We hope you can be with us this weekend for Part 2 of Pastor Ray’s answer to one of life’s greatest questions…”What is Truth?”

Join us for a new message each week with Ray McCollum, recorded live from Celebration Church in Nashville, USA.

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