NYC Food Delivery Min Wage From $7 To $18 BUT Gig Companies Sue To Stop Increase

The gig economy is always changing. Recently we have seen several bills come to try and change how gig workers are calssified, min wage laws, and more. Today, I chat with Hannibal Is Hungry, a NYC based gig worker here to talk about the new minimum wage law for delivery drivers and they gig companies lawsuit to stop it.

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About The RideShare Guy:

I’m Harry, the founder of The Rideshare Guy. I started driving for Uber and Lyft in 2015 and eventually quit my day job as an aerospace engineer to run The Rideshare Guy full time.

These days, I’m a trusted media expert on all things rideshare and have a number of contributors across the country who are all driving for Uber and Lyft and other gig companies like Instacart, Doordash, and Postmates.

The RideShare Guy has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, CNBC, NPR, 60 Minutes on CBS TV, The Washington Post, Wired, Forbes, SFGate, and hundreds more.

The RideShare Guy has interviewed top gig economy leaders such as:

• Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi –
• Lyft Co Founder John Zimmer –
• DoorDash CEO Tony Xu –
• Uber VP of Product Management Sachin Kansal –

Harry also consults for both established corporations and start-ups. –



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21 thoughts on “NYC Food Delivery Min Wage From $7 To $18 BUT Gig Companies Sue To Stop Increase”

  1. A driver realistically should be making around $ 30.00 per hour because they are going have car repair expenses at some point. They aren't going be cheap repairs.

  2. The food delivery companies are taking massive fees from the delivery people and the restaurants. How is it they are unable to turn a profit and why don't the companies cut expenses by streamlining the corporate work force? We bear the brunt of their quest for profitability by being paid ridiculously low rates. Same with Uber and Lyft.

  3. All of this talk about tips and pay, is EXTREMELY annoying… and makes me sleepy! All they need to do is make our earnings fair and consistent… while that seems simplistic, that’s what I think!

  4. I was actually excited to start delivering again yesterday since I thought we were getting an hourly wage on top of the delivery pay. Wasted 4 hours just to find out that it no longer went into effect. Sat my ass in the sun for 3+ hours before I can get one $10 delivery. I’m not delivering if there’s no hourly rate and neither should anyone else

  5. This problem is easy to fix. The need to give us the ability to set our own rates. If we were truly considered independent contractors by the companies we would already have it. Then tips would be tips and not a subsidy to poor wages.

  6. I hear a lot of gig tubers say “I don’t want the government in my gig work”! I hate to tell them, the government has always been in your gig work! We pay file taxes every year! So to me why would I want to pay my government and they didn’t help me! It’s like paying a prepaid lawyer, then getting arrested and saying “I don’t want lawyers in my court room”! You are already paying, why not use it! Just like Sergio said,it’s active time,so it doesn’t effect drivers just sitting around not taking offers. And the schedule thing!!! In Cincinnati you have to already schedule 5 or 6 days out to even have a shot at getting online with DD.every time one state passes one of these new laws, those of us in states that don’t have them pay for it! By getting nickeled and dimed to death! If every state had some kind of guarantee it would help all in my opinion. The Gig companies are always going to make threats. But they know without drivers they are just apps! They might huff and puff but they will never blow the house down!!

  7. Also! I understand there is probably some sort of gentleman’s agreement going in, when you have a head of a gig company on your channel. But,though they are entertaining, they never get us any new info! The questions everyone want asked are never asked! Even the times there is a little pushback,it’s very light and probably expected! That’s why they only go on channels that have a track record of not pushing the issue, and everyone that! That’s why smtmc had more average views than the interview Harry had with Tony!

  8. Last comment lol! That guy should have NEVER done that about the $5 tip! But people do need to stop comparing delivery drivers with waiters/waitresses! Percentage tips means nothing to a driver! If the order is $200 or $1,we spent the same amount of fuel and time on it! Not saying waitressing isn’t a tuff job, just saying it doesn’t compare! They have 0 expense, don’t have to drive in all weather conditions and have a 60 minute guarantee paid( I know it’s not much) but it’s there! If it is true about that being a 14 or 15 mine delivery to that house, I blame all three parties involved! 33/3 to the driver for taken the order, never take one that isn’t worth at least what they are showing you! 33/3 to the customer, for ordering from a place so far away (it tells them exact mileage on the app/ then shows live map of entire delivery)! And 33/4 to DoorDash!! For hiding tips and making drivers think it could potentially be a lot higher!! Again, that driver should have just said thank you, then said to himself “I’ll never take an order unless the shown pay is worth it again”, and used it as a learning experience!

  9. If you're a consumer of these delivery services and your argument against pre-tipping is "I'm not gonna pay for a service before the service is even started." please stop. There is absolutely not one of these apps that don't allow you to adjust the tip/refund your order by either choosing an option in app (Uber Eats) or contacting customer support via a phone call.

  10. I don’t live in nyc but even I kno you can’t live off $18/hour anyway. These companies fighting to block paying poverty wages, they legit wanna pay less than poverty wages.

  11. Sergio, the ONLY reason the gig companies created Prop 22 was to get rid of AB5, which they considered to be catastrophic to their businesses. They HATE paying those lame Prop 22 "subsidies". They don't want Prop 22 anywhere else.

  12. As far as Doordash and other gig services paying the drivers more, it won't happen. Why would they do that when they can contract with drivers who are willing to accept what they are already paying? For example, if a company can pay someone $2.00 to go 10 miles, why would they start paying people $5.00 to drive that distance?

  13. Sergio, shame on you! The word TIP means To Insure Promptness. As someone who was in food service for many years, I can tell you that if you know the customer does not tip , they will only receive passable service. If you know the customer is a great tipper, he/she will get commensurate service. You traditionally do not tip for the service you’ve just received, you tip to insure fast, competent service in future.


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