Nuclear submarines are not going to have 'any effect' at all

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says there is “no way” Australia can have a fleet of eight nuclear submarines “before probably 2050”.

“The current strategic problem is going to be resolved long, long before these nuclear subs,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell.

“Nuclear subs are very sexy, but they are not going to have any effect at all.

“I still think the government should go ahead with a new conventional submarine because we’re… going to end up with no submarines at all.”


46 thoughts on “Nuclear submarines are not going to have 'any effect' at all”

  1. Shut up Sheridan and start thinking about UK built Astute.

    Greg has a massive blind spot and can’t get his mind around anything but South Australia or American builds.

    Going back to diesel boats is a absurd idea. Complete failure to understand Australia’s strategic place surrounded by huge oceans.

  2. Yes, let's cancel a deal we already made because it might take too long; by making a new deal that will definitely take too long.
    Greg Sheridan is mentally retarded, been living too long in his little media bubble.

  3. Let's face it Australia is fucked if any country with say about 100 million and above population decides to attack us, shit we have like 4 days worth of bullets. Ever since l can remember we have been about 30 years behind the times with any military decision the government makes

  4. Actually the defence EXPERTS (not conservatives journalist) expect the nuclear submarines late 2030's…

    …not 2050's. And want interim measure to take place… for defensive not for ATTACKING other countries.

  5. Cant wait for our first nuke sub accident , i wonder how many will die . Why is our government so dumb ? its embarrasing to be Australian now days . Ya gonna send little girls and poofs down to man the sub ? Sorry person the sub . Your in favor of nuke subs ? Your an evil fool . FOOLS !

  6. Greg why don't you quote the two Chinese Generals at a defense conference when the yank speaker said thev USA vwas worried about China nuking Taiwan.
    " What does the USA think we are stupid"
    Over heard by the Chinese speaking reporter sitting behind.
    Now it would beb why would we sink our own merchant ships carrying materials from Australia to China.

  7. Australia is a huge Island Continent with a huge coast line ,some ,protected by barrier Reef other areas by huge natural Tides , Distance from other trade and friend Island Neighbours . Australia does not NEED AUKUS . Australia NEEDS TRADE ,SPORT , TOURISM , . What do we need Nu Clear powered Submarines for ???? We desperately need a new Federal Government to run Australia because these fucken IDIOTS Albanese and company will lead us into an unwanted WAR . PLEASE CONSIDER JACINTA PRICE OR PENNY WONG FOR AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER FOR SOME MUCH NEEDED AND WANTED LEADERSHIP OF AUSTRALIA > This fucken Albanese and his no hopers with liberals are not worth a pinch of shit and not leaders . Please consider Jacinta Price or Penny Wong , for PRIME MINISTER They will ask Albanese and company how high are your Socks , arse high ,not good enough .and thats the way i see it Andrej Kondisenko Cairns Australia . Old man dreamin ,AYE ?

  8. Once again we seem to spend money on inquest upon inquest… Just like the policeman in Pirates of Penzance… "Here we go, here we go!"… "But you don't go!"
    The best possible out come is to continue training Australian submariners with the Americans and the British. We should be building supporting naval bases in the south as far away from the Chinese as possible so when eventually we actually get some subs we are then prepared and trained. Sure by 2050 the geopolitical landscape will be different but we hope that even after the worse scenario possible, parts of Australia will continue under Australian hands!

  9. The only way Australia can get any kind of new submarines in less than fifty years is to invest in increasing the production capacity in the USA. USA can currently build 2 submarines at a time, and the US Navy has dibs on all of them. A third line could produce 8 or 10 or 12 subs for Australia, after which, the US Navy inherits the extra production capacity. Everybody wins, except China. Such a facility would employ as many Australians as practical, for training purposes, but the bulk of the workforce would be experienced American workers and engineers, so the boats would not have a 30-40 year 'teething' period like, ahem, the Collinses.

    You could make the same argument for Great Britain, but I don't think they have the resources for it, particularly the manpower. Starting up a production line in Australia would be daft, Australia has no experience building submarines – it died out a generation ago. This plan would probably get Australia their first sub in 15-20 years, which might still be a useful timeframe. But while a plan like this is logical, it is not political. Every politician and labor union in Australia will be screaming bloody murder. It will never happen.

    There is an even faster and cheaper alternative, and that is to refurbish 8 late-model Los Angeles class subs that are going into early retirement. You could probably have the first boat in 5-10 years, and you could be training on them right now. That option has never even been considered. Honestly, I don't think Australia actually wants ANY submarines, they just want to talk the talk, not spend the $$$. It would be cheaper to just learn Mandarin.

    The third alternative is to build some really nice facilities, and invite the US Navy to come and stay a while, or forever. That has worked pretty well for Japan since the 1940s. There actually does seem to be some progress in this. At any rate, be thankful for the 800 pound gorilla that is the USA, standing right behind you. Otherwise, you'd already be speaking Chinese.

  10. Nuke subs will bring nuke war to us in south east Asia.
    All the countries in south east Asia wants peace and prosperity but USA and AUKUS wants to project a nuke military posture.
    We do NOT treat China as a military threat.
    We treat the nuke subs as a military threat.
    If war do break out … will be a DISASTER for EVERYONE.

  11. Modern subs are built for more reasons than the public is aware.
    If an invading force came from space, would it not be reasonable to assume they'd gather in the oceans first?
    A few movies have hinted to the strategy.

  12. Aussie needs to defend its Antarctic territory as well. Need a new AI manufacturing plant that can convert our masses of iron ore coal thorium and uranium into a fleet of subs, with small crew sizes and long range… maintain other nations subs in the meantime … Japan US and UK tech could do this, build a new advanced multifunctionpolis city on Southern WA coast, based on internal public transport industry green tech climate control and recycling water… timescale isn't that important as China is now in severe demographic decline… and knowing we are working on a project like this will keep them worried and respectful of the big Aussie Roos for a long time…

  13. LOL … Gotta love all the demented liddle addicted Sly Opinions generals on here planning out the war games in their bathtubs with their rubber duckies and pretend war ships while rubbing one off underwater!
    Armchair experts at all things that they'll never be personally involved in!

  14. Brilliant. "Privately Jim was very skeptical about these nuclear submarines as I am. I'm in favor of nuclear submarines of course but there is just no way on God's green earth that we can have a fleet of 8 nuclear submarines before probably 2050. Now, by 2050, Beijing will be ruled by the Christian Democrats or we'll all be speaking Mandarin. The current strategic problem is going to be resolved long, long before [we have] nuclear subs".


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