Nuclear Starships and Robot Children – EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the Enzmann Archive!

This is Part 1 of a two part interview with the executives of the Enzmann Archive, including Dr. Enzmann’s widow, Joanna. We discuss time dilation, starships, and artificial intelligence.
Don’t miss it!
#space #nasa #interstellar

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33 thoughts on “Nuclear Starships and Robot Children – EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the Enzmann Archive!”

  1. Time also slows down in the Vicinity of a Gravity well, which is really why Atomic Clocks run slightly faster at higher elevations than closer to the center of the Earth.

  2. This is so interesting and it’s mind boggling to think just how far science had developed by the mid C20 also to ponder how some ideas bore fruit and others did not and why..πŸ‘πŸ»

  3. Weird stuff. Most important is that this Starship is not Elon's Starship. And I guess we will all be dead before time dilation becomes something for us to consider besides GPS satellites.

  4. Stupid politics. SALT, no nukelear whatever in space. Cosmic radiation being several magnitudes more hazzardous. But the planet is filled with nukes of all kind. Stupid.

    While a trip to alpha centauri would have been possible 60 years ago, it doesnt mean that we should have gone there that soon. But we could have started to explore our home system. Without nukelear propulsion impossible because of the distances and times involved. 60 years of wasted time. Saturn rockets would also have been more usefull to just get things into orbit, like they did after the last moon landing. Now that was a spacestation! Everything afterwards, till now, is a farce.

    Looks like after all, things are finally getting started now. I hope that spacex can get nuclear engines for starship, when these come up after 2027. Better not the nasa way again: nuke-engine onto a tincan & a crew of only 3 to mars! Oh, their gonna do it, thats certain. I just hope they make the propulsion system availlable to all. Better even the patent licence, otherwise noone can afford it anyway.

    Are these interresting times? A whole lifespan wasted. Might see the marslanding at the end of my days. Hell, they ripped me of my chance going there.

  5. Here is my 2 cents. Even if you could travel 100% the speed of light and enter into an eternal state your physical body is not eternal just your soul and it would die. Why? Because you would bring the issues your body already has with you. If you had no issues (Perfect humanity ie: Hyperstatic union) Then your body would not die. Thank God we get new bodies after death. : )

  6. That time/light speed bull crap Einstein brainwashed the world into believing is just exactly that BULLCRAP! Also the person's explanation of why time is effected by light speed was even worse BS. The fact that the clocks on the space station tend to run micro seconds faster than the ones on the ground is simply because the nuclear reaction happening in the clock on the station is not slowed down as much as the one on the ground is by gravity, plain and simple. As for Einstein he postulated that an observer on a train moving away at the speed of light away from Big Ben the clock tower the observer on the train would see time stand still though an observer not on the train would see the clock ticking on as normal hence one would continue on his time line aging normally while the other would SEEM TO BE STUCK IN TIME AS THE TIME WAS REALATIVE TO BOTH THE CLOCK AND THE OBSERVER. The thing is when the person on the train simply turns aroiund what happens then considering that light should be hitting him traveling 2 times the speed of light. Kinda threw a monkey wrench into Ole Einsteins theory wouldn't or shouldn't it? Well Einstein if he was considered smart he was equally stubborn and bull headed and a grade a narcissist and he didn't like anyone even hinting about being as smart as he was and so he dicided that he was going to have to put that double the speed of light hitting the train exactly who was boss so he got to work and after a bit of time passed and he not really making any progress on the double dipper of speed he simply decided to say that light can not go any faster or slower in a vacuum period no matter what situation light found it self in the only thing that could slow down light in a vacuum was a black wholes gravity. So Einstein came up with the math showing that even if someone was on a train traveling in a direction at half the speed of light with a man on it holding a flash light and up a head there another man facing the same direction holding a flash light and at the exact moment that the two man pass one another both pointing their flashlights the exact same direction each will turn on his light to see if light can travel faster based on actual or relativity and Einstein says no that light will always travel the same speed relative to the observer of course so light coming from the flashlight on the train will automatically slow down matching the man on the grounds flashlight speed. BULLSHIT THE LIGHT COMING FROM THE TRAIN FLASHLIGHT WILL WIN EVERY TIME SCREW EINSTEIN

  7. Can someone explain to me why time doesn't go backward if you go faster than the speed of light? I understand that you can't go faster than the speed of light. Is that the only reason? I don't know the math. I've been told the math tells us you can't go faster. Would time going backwards explain what happens if you can add more power at the point of the speed of light. I also understand that your mass needs to be almost nil to get to these speeds.


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