Notorious underworld enforcer Graham 'Abo' Henry | Straight Talk Podcast | Mark Bouris

Graham ‘Abo’ Henry has seen parts of Sydney many of us only read about. 

The notorious underworld enforcer was at the forefront of the city’s underbelly during the 70s and 80s and was one of the most feared men in Sydney, Australia. 

Alongside his partner, Neddy Smith, the pair ruled the streets of Sydney with brutal force. 

Henry reflects on his life with Mark Bouris and how he lives a very different life today.


Read Graham ‘Abo’ Henry’s book – The Last Man Standing

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Executive Producer: Jess Smalley
Filmed: Simon McDermott & Jonathan Liondis


19 thoughts on “Notorious underworld enforcer Graham 'Abo' Henry | Straight Talk Podcast | Mark Bouris”

  1. Interesting hearing Graham's perspective on those years. My husband was a part of that world and knew Graham. Said he was a good man and had respect for him. He hated Neddy. Said he was an animal that would kill his own mother. Now when I recall the stories I heard from hubby I have a face to go with the name. I pray for peace for your spirit

  2. Excellent podcast Mark. Out of all the podcasts Abo has done, he has never mentioned his sexual abuse. His story is nearly identical to Snoee Badman on Spanians podcast. It seems like such a common theme with hard blokes.

  3. Mark, it’s good to see such a high level business man with success be so down to earth and talk to anyone of different circumstances as if they are mate of yours….. down to earth keeping it true and inline which makes a person. Just like Graham, dark history, success, tough and no big noting and glory just being humble fair and respectful. Be it crime money or legal business both these blokes have done it and are still around to tell stories because of the way they carry themselves.


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