Nothing worse than an impatient medical professional


#LifeTips #Motivational #Supermission


14 thoughts on “Nothing worse than an impatient medical professional”

  1. "Get John here a blood test"…christ who writes this crap? What blood test? There's no such thing as "a blood test", you need to test for something specific.

  2. Omg this was me in the hospital about 7 years ago n this lady doctor from Ukraine basically was about to send me home after spending a few days in the hospital AFTER being in there for 2 weeks a few weeks b4. I got tired of "trusting" the doctors because she thought I was in there to score drugs. I told her ass y the fuck would I come to a hospital spend days in this bitch it's my birthday when I could EASILY get better drugs from the streets if I really wanted to. She then tried to kinda play it off lk I usually give 1 last test b4 I discharge ppl n for me an MRI n after that she was lk my room had a bday card, a balloon n a brand new under Armour windbreaker that still has the tags on it. She said "oh the nurse heard it was your bday n got u this" I knew that was a lie so I said tell her I said thank you. Reason why is after that MRI I got the right meds the specific ones I asked for because I wanted the same ones I had gotten when I was in the same hospital for 2 weeks n I had to stay for another 3 days. Turns out I had(still have) Crohns Disease n it was REAL bad then. Was throwing up all the time couldn't get out of bed I had to basically wait 8 months till I went to another hospital n they ended up discharging me after 1 day but had me signed up to see a GI Doctor but in a month. The next day I go back in there in so much pain n was lk yeah we need to make that appointment this week u can't wait another month n FINALLY seem a good GI Dr who basically saved my life. He didn't judge me, he didn't say oh I can't give u these meds or these meds, he believed me n actuality found the right meds n then had me go see a psychiatrist because I was getting really depressed. Now my crohs still messes with me n my energy isn't always there but I'm WAY better then I was.i got off damn near all the meds except lk 2 when I was on lk 6 different meds. I felt lk a lab rat. Some worked some didn't n he trusted n believed me. I came into his office 6'2 155 n pale cus of how sick I was n once it was his last day because he was retiring n I had seen him for lk 4 years I was at 180 a nice size for me a healthy size. There would be times that I'd lose 10 pounds in a month then gain 7 back then the c highest I got was 198 n I had a gut n I did not feel good. It was slowing me down I felt heavy. I use to be very athletic n into sports so damn near 200 pounds when I was never really ever over 165-170 in my life was too much. Shout out to Dr. Covington from Lutherville, MD. MedStar doctor. Oh n the 1st place I went to when I 1st was sick was John's Hopkins Bayview! Damn shame "suppose" to be a world renowned hospital but FUCK NO! They fell off. Both Hopkins did in Baltimore.

  3. Me on my wife’s you tube: You should see the look on the staffs faces when someone with my appearance(think Viking-biker, 6’4” 270), REFUSES narcotic cough medicine!! Well worth the price of admission, lolol!!!😂😂😂

  4. The lesson: " always try everything to keep a patient in hospital as much as possible, especially if he demands test, when he gets discharged he will be fine, that's when he gets the bill"

  5. Following info is in regards to USA medical field.
    Medical gaslighting is a real thing. Find it ironic tho, POC and women are the ones most likely to be on the patient end of gaslighting.
    Edit: a nurse that has the audacity to elevate themselves to the level of a doctor needs severe retraining. And most hospitals now don't have "Doctors" we have "hospitalist" Nurses do report 2 to 3 times a day to keep the info updated in the chart to look at, and usually the docs or hospitality are in on the morning report.
    "Mind, body, spirit" approach to helping a patient heal is still the standard; although slipping a bit since covid burnout and massive mergers with insurances scraping pennies together to offer as payment. Sad state of affairs.


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