Not so New World (the wait continues)

New World has been a project I’ve been followed for some time now. Patch notes tell us Amazon is playing it safe and developing a more traditional MMO. Unfortunately, that includes the cash shop..

Official Cash Shop Announcement:

Other Patch Notes:

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5 thoughts on “Not so New World (the wait continues)”

  1. Just gonna wait till it releases and see all the reviews before I pay the money, I also played this game on and off for years from Alpha when it was only pvp.

  2. I was never on board with New World hype just because its Amazon and I will never give them my money but I think people are blowing the MTX drama way out of proportion.
    The game will be Pay Once so of cource they would have MTX on it, so with that skins was a given there for the drama comes from the boosters , Idk how the leveling is but I doubt it would be that hard to reach max level without boosters but that being said if they were present at launch then yes it would be very bad and it could be considered Pay to Win just because reaching max level first on a new mmo opens the "market" for those player to exploit the game and to dominate from there onwards especially since the game is still very PVP centric with the 3 factions but they will only be present months after the game releace I see no problem with it.
    I have played so many mmorpg in my life that had boosters and rarely did I felt the need to use any, not everyone has the same time to play and leveling faster affects nothing on a mmo becuase as soon as the player reaches max level then the true progrssion beggins and because of that I agree with you that leveling is almost meaningless now days.
    I too think that subbed base mmos were a better option but ( and this is way I say "were") now days even subbed mmos have MTX so for me it loses the point of the sub, with all the fuss in New World having MTX I think people should be more concern with AOC having MTX on top of the sub especially after it creator said the sub was more then enough to run the game.

    Sorry for the wall of text but there are alot of nuances to this topic and sorry for bad grammar english isn't my first language.

  3. Guild Wars 1 tried to do some of the things you are talking about with a really low level cap. I really like the idea of MMOs with high levels of customization and limited vertical gear progression. This puts the focus more on skill and experimentation than finding the highest yield tasks to do over and over. I also like the idea of subscriptions and can't understand why GW2 didn't give a sub OPTION, not requirement. Just an option that would maybe allow you to pick from some cosmetics and maybe gave you a handful of gems to spend on whatever each month. Make a good value for money option as opposed to buying the same stuff individually. Maybe a less popular idea I have had is to develop a set of bosses on a monthly rotation. You can only access the bosses while subbed and there is a rare chance they could random cosmetics only available from the store. I would much rather support the game though a sub than loot boxes.


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