North Korean Explains Real North Korea

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41 thoughts on “North Korean Explains Real North Korea”

  1. So you have drank the koolaid from the conservative right. So my vote will cancel yours! Happily! I am a proud Progressive Democrat. We fight for a Government who is for the people. You and your belief system will be defeated this November. There are much more of us than you.

  2. How could we forget you? You have opened our eyes to the real North Korea @least you’ve opened my eyes and all though I knew it was bad over there your humble truths are heartbreaking. Thank you

  3. What truths do you know? In times of relative peace and prosperity, people find the freedom to be mean and unkind to each other. Everything you speak about is made up of the people who are in it. PETA is made up of people who strongly believe that animals should be treated fairly. Yet some of these people who are promoting treating animals fairly will attack people who do not follow their strict principles of how animals should be treated. For these people, treating animals fairly is a convenient excuse and disguise allowing them to horrible assault "the others" (people who act differently.) I call this the tyranny of the just cause. The person I just described does not really care about animal welfare. This person is sadistically happy that they have found an easy way to hurt other people while pretending to love animals.
    That simple example can be found everywhere people are working together. "Woke Culture" is not a real movement. What you described elsewhere as the oppression of leftist speech in college is another example of the Tyranny of a Just Cause. People in a war zone can act out their secret sadistic desires to hurt other people. But in a peaceful community, sadistic people are denied acting out their cruelty in public. They are searching for situations that will give them a justified excuse to attack, harm, and possibly kill the "unworthy" people.
    I heard you refer to Biden as a weak man. How very strange. Trump is a weak man. He is the perfect combination of a grade school bully combined with a mafia thug. He is nothing more than that. He lies, cheats, and steals at everything he does. Every day he finds many ways to hurt weaker people near him. People who follow him find great pleasure in how he hurts the "Others." (What they call the people who refuse to join their gang.) Trump's only achievements as president were to make Rich People Richer and to destroy regulations that give protections to our common citizens. In the past few months, Biden has signed more new laws that will make the life of us ordinary citizens healthier, safer, and stronger than has been accomplished by any recent President. How you can call Biden a weak man worries me greatly. Are you joining some of the many gangs here in the US where the members are searching for "justified" ways to hurt other people?

  4. You state that our government no longer spends the money to protect dissidents. You mention Salman Rushdie and a woman who has been protected from 2 assassination attempts by the police that you claim are no longer being paid for. Then you ask why that protection is not perfect. Do you fail to understand that the perfect protection that you are lamenting is only available in tyrannical authoritarian countries controlled by a Despotic Dictator? Are you, Yeonmi Park demanding that our United States become your tyrannical authoritarian country just so dissidents can be perfectly safe?

  5. If the citizens fight very hard to free North Korea today, millions will die before progress is made to make North Korea free. How many dead millions will make you feel happy that the people are working hard enough to be free?

  6. Being a Fascist, like being a doctor, being a teacher, being a tyrant, or being a murderer, is a human condition. They belong to any gang that lets them feel safe proving that they are Fascists…


    When I say Fascist this is what I mean.

    And from my immense survey sampling of One, When that one looks around our Earth, he sees that everywhere, one out of 4 people have concurrently most of these qualities.


    A FASCIST is a PERSON who believes or acts as if:

    1.) They have found and belong to the One True and Pure Gang.

    2.) They are superior to everyone who does not belong to their Gang, who looks different. and who acts and thinks differently than they do.

    3.) They have a need to find a Charismatic One True Leader to cheer them on and feed them a doctrine to live by.

    4.) They alone must control the power to rule over all the people and all the land around them.

    5.) They can seize and hold on to this power by any means available.

    6.) They are always threatened or assaulted by the "Others" and "Lessers" who do not belong to their One True and Pure Gang.

    7.) They are granted by their leaders the authority and privilege to subjugate, attack, harm, and kill the "Others" and "Lessers" who threaten them.


    Any person who exhibits a preponderance of these characteristics is, by their own actions, a Fascist.


    "Fascism" is a useless word. "Fascism" requires a doctrine, a political movement, a social organization. and other things official. "Fascist" is a real word. It describes every person on earth who chooses to join a gang and act out the broadly known behaviors of "Fascist activity." "Fascism" is meaningless without a gang of Fascists. A gang of Fascists does not need a doctrine or even their intensely desired Charismatic Leader in order to vent their destructive actions on the lives around them. They are a wanton Cabal just by their confederation.

  7. Sadly, I love the valuable things I have learned from Yeonmi Park. But… But after listening to how she explains herself and in that heard her passing comments on how she sees life and politics here in the United States, I have come to understand that Yeonmi Park is a Fascist.
    Before you make up lies about what I am saying, read my next comment and teach yourself about what it is to be a modern Fascist.

  8. I know in America, it's normal to go naked on the street, but you should be different, especially talking about the cruelty of North Korea, I can't stand watching you and looking at you chest. I want to really listen to what you are saying, but I am distracted with what I am seeing, and you are married, I am not a saint but I am not comfortable, it's natural for me to see a woman that is not properly covered and feel sexual. Please for the sake of others, I know this is 8months since you uploaded this video, I hope, there is difference now. Just cover up completely, PLEASE.

  9. breaking news: She is trying to act like a detector, I look at her backgrounds and it says she's an American pretending to be a detector!

    Spread the word

  10. This gals story of her homeland and her journey west, even if exaggerated as suggested by you tube researchers, has done its job of making us more aware of that regimes brutality. It ends there ! She has adapted very well to American capitalism on how to make money from her story and get financial support from Conservative media and political groups to pay for her obvious very expensive lifestyle. Spectacular views from her living quarters, expensive fashion, expensive restaurants and of course her plastic surgeries need a steady revenue stream to support it.

  11. May I share an Old Testament Verse with you from Daniel 7:14 "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should SERVE Him; his dominion is an Everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall not pass away, and His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

    God the Father loves you so much that He sent Holy Sinless Jesus (His Holy Son) to earth to be born of a virgin.Then, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins. He was in the tomb for 3 days, then Father God raised Holy and Sinless Jesus Christ (Y'shua) to Life! He appeared to people & went back to Heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God's child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 "And saying, the time is fulfilled, & the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "There's a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 "But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, & abominable, and murderers, & immoral persons sorcerers & idolaters & all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire & brimstone…" Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus & put your true faith and trust in Him today and please repent. Will you have a Real encounter with Holy Lord Jesus (Y'shua is His Hebrew Name) & stay in a Genuine relationship with Him daily please?

  12. everyone knew that reuniting Korea will the old NK regime still around is a horrible idea but some one thought it was a great idea so a lot of people here pretended that they didn't know it was a bad idea and started to advocate for it to happen and I wonder what was really behind that policy of pretending the communist would use violence to take over the south with assinations and mob violence black mail, and intimidation.

  13. And you contradict yourself when you want government to control private corporations and force them to carry speech the disagree with. Private corporations such as Twitter, FB, etc have the right to ban speech which they believe hurt their company. That is not blocking anyone's free speech, which is protected by government, just not on other people's private properties.

  14. I really admire your honesty and of course you have such a sweet personality. I'm so happy you made it to safety. I pray for the citizens of North Korea.

  15. Freedom means HEALTH, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, SECURITY and most of all A FUTURE TO WORK HARD FOR!!! The Left and the Far Left only offer a base living with equality of everything. FREEDOM means the RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS!! Equal men are not free. Free men are not equal. Let the creme rise to the top!!! We're all better then!!


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