Nord Stream Truth & Agent Orange – Gov Secs Ep 112

Nord Stream Truth & Agent Orange – Gov Secs Ep 112


24 thoughts on “Nord Stream Truth & Agent Orange – Gov Secs Ep 112”

  1. That's right. Washington did NOT want to reduce the tensions between Ukraine & Russia. In fact, in Nov 2021 Biden & Zelensky signed an agreement to continue the militarization of Ukraine to NATO standards. And, stupid me, i thought with Trump the US hit a low point from which America couldn't go anywhere but up. America has been a downhill slide since Bill Clinton

  2. I'm not even a public persona, and I was locked out of twitter for saying that italians were fashists, sharing a modern day video of italian street, crammed shoulder to shoulder with people, all doing nasty salute…

    like, wtf…

  3. I believe that they still do use agent orange…weeds NEVER grow on the railroad tracks. I lived in a condo that was adjacent to railroad tracks on the southwest side of Chicago…a quarter of a mile from Midway airport. Every year the Belt railway would spray the tracks…that’s where I hung out when I was growing up.

  4. Lee, you were right about the microwave frequency weapon reminiscent of the walls of Jericho. This is why they needed a super computer. Does anyone else remember when they switched on the Heston particle collider was switched on they said the world was going to end. Pretty sure I am still here though.

  5. That was an excellent take on Nordstr–m. It's only missing speculation on the motivation of the person who leaked the information. Someone said it's opposing forces within our government, but what if the people who leaked it were the same people who are publicly saying that we didn't do it? Like, "Yeah, we definitely did it. What are you going to do about it?"

  6. Big fan of Camp's work but Elwood worries me, does Graham still believe the official covid narrative? CNN's doctor/correspondent admitted covid deaths are overinflated eg. even terminally ill cancer patients who died were labelled as 'covid deaths'! I hope Graham will acknowledge his lack of critical thinking involving the Plandemic.

  7. I appreciate your your content and efforts Graham and Lee's. What is your stance on Covid now, since so much BS has come out of the media and gov lately on other topics., have you changed your mind.


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