'NONSENSE!' Royal experts react to Omid Scobie's Endgame claims | Palace Confidential

‘NONSENSE!’ Royal experts react to Omid Scobie’s Endgame claims | Palace Confidential

The publication of Endgame by Omid Scobie has sent shockwaves through royal circles. In today’s episode of our royal talk show Palace Confidential our experts discuss all the controversial talking points.

The Daily Mail’s diary editor Richard Eden believes that the books maligning of key family figures is particularly unfair, as they have already suffered repeated attacks.
‘It’s appalling, it’s disgusting, you’ve got all these people who can’t answer back in the Royal Family,’ he tells the programme. ‘Imagine how poor Catherine feels, she’s had all of this sent her way with all the stuff in the interview and the book. She’s tried to rise above it as they all have but it’s very hard.’

0:00 Palace confidential reacts to the explosive fallout from Omid Scobie’s new book
0:40 Rebecca breaks down King Charles’ trip to the Middle East
2:00 A Royal collab! Prince William and Catherine link up with the Crown Princess of Sweden at the Royal Variety Performance
3:25 ‘A cloud from California!’ But is all the good work of the Royals being overshadowed by a certain new book?
5:35 ‘Relies heavily on past scandals!’ Victoria reacts to Endgame book
7:30 ‘Incoherent NONSENSE!’ Richard reacts to Endgame’s depictions of Princess of Wales
9:06 Reaction to claims King Charles took ‘schadenfreude pleasure’ in Prince William’s difficult Kenya tour
11:13 Victoria reacts to allegations that Prince William briefed against Prince Harry
12:50 ‘Everybody was trying to PROTECT the Sussexes!’ Rebecca disputes Omid Scobie claims
14:17 Richard is surprised that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were allegedly surprised at William’s reaction to Oprah interview
15:30 Your top comments!
16:15 Reaction to the developing ‘Royal racism row!
17:36 All eyes on the Dutch translation and the naming the two Royals who allegedly made the comments that sparked the Royal racism row
19:05 How will the Royal Family react?
21:45 Should Prince Harry and Meghan Markle distance themselves from Omid Scobie’s book?
22:14 “Harry and Meghan are Omid Scobie’s meal ticket!’ Furious Richard doesn’t hold back
24:20 “If Harry and Meghan didn’t tell Omid Scobie the names…then who did?” Rebecca asks
25:46 How will resurgence of the row affect any reconciliation between the Palace and the Sussexes?
26:56 Richard isn’t sure a rapprochement between Harry and William will ever happen now
27:45 Reaction to stories about Harry and Meghan’s commercial deals
29:20 What is going on with Harry and Meghan’s reboot?
33:10 It’s Montage Time!

#royals #palaceconfidential #princeharry #meghanmarkle #omidscobie


39 thoughts on “'NONSENSE!' Royal experts react to Omid Scobie's Endgame claims | Palace Confidential”

  1. In my opinion..
    Richard is spot on..
    About MEGS AND HAROLD being his meal ticket ..
    Disgusting..little boy!
    I believe that King Charles lll..
    Must I repeat MUST take away all TITLES from these two..
    After they divorce ..and later the King can give Harry back his..if he deserves it…!
    As for the slip of you said what and how 🤔 😏 bla bla bla..
    Total BALONI..everyone black ,white, chocolate 🍫 couldn't resist..Joe..😅
    Orange, purple..pink, yellow, even red cheeks..
    excuse my French..but
    who gives a TOSS..
    Everyone talks baby chit chat ,wondering everything about that child firstly..
    pray it's healthy ..
    Then how many tootsies and hair or none..and COLOUR etc..its called Human curiosity..
    You dumb Nuts..
    Unless you were ..LUI THE BIG BLOW FLY ON THE WALL at the time taking NOTES…
    On who and what EXACTLY what said and in what CONTENTS..etc..
    So PLEASE ..S….UP..!
    Someone please pass the ASPRINE…have a headache coming on 🙃
    IT'S a whole bunch of
    I will say this once only ..
    In my opinion..the NAME speaks volumes..
    " ENDGAME "
    HAROLD you're wife's about to TOSS you..darling boy,sorry
    Your reason and season is closing..
    you're Lucky day is coming..darling..
    After sharing the profits with scoobie doo and that guy forgot his name..always around her..! Is it Marcuss ..
    She's going to do a runner within 2024..
    As the energies in the Universe ..
    HAVE HAD ENOUGH WITH certain peoples BS..Nonsense..
    We are all wasting energy on WHAT GARBAGE 🗑 BS .. Humpty DUMPTY sat on his wall and Humpty DUMPTY had a great fall..!!
    Remember this child's
    Nursery story..
    Harold me thinks you should of taken the gift you're grandmother offered you Dumbarton ..as I believe it
    has more going for it than you thought..
    As for conversation about skin color ..
    As I studied dermatology years ago and I remember my teacher telling us that the skins cells start out THE SAME and become a different color because of a variety of issues..
    That contribute to it..eg..someone's
    Genes, Environmental factors, Health and how much MELANIN one produces..
    It's the Hyperpigmentation and it's production of to much MELANIN..
    because of DRUG metabolites..which are also a factor in determination of one's skin colour .
    So meg's keeping all those factors in mind.. maybe that's why your white with a touch of OLIVE skin ..
    (Without the fake tan..)
    just as we EUROPEAN are ..a nice Mix of Mediterranean Olive ..
    Please, now you have used SCOOBI DOO too vomit out more of you're revengeful Nonsense..
    I believe NOW IS OUR END …
    " GAME of HORRORS "
    Time's up MISS MUFFET..
    and HAROLD..😢
    Well, I believe in time..
    with the grace of God,
    You will snap out of your Hypnotic state…
    you may not be the Harry we once responded and respected and loved..
    Hopefully a New and better version..
    As for you Megan..
    It's you're Toxicity, and Attitude you're behaviour and you're Disgusting action's towards..
    Our MONACHY..
    It's the way you manipulated and Orchestrated your prey A vulnerable and at times disturbed young man..
    who you studied over year's, to marry for Fame , 💰 🤑, & Title !
    Sorry, WHY WOULD I like you ?
    I know you have had you're trials and tribulations as WE ALL..have darling!
    As we all have a PATH and journey to follow in this lifetime ..
    But it's up to us and our FREE "WILLY"s WILL 😅 couldn't resist..
    On how we Use that FREE WILL..
    Your calculating mannerisms are very DISGUSTING AND DISTURBING..
    It's that You are sadly a very mixed-up and sad little girl that has problems..
    ( my opinion)
    that was SPOILED – ROTTEN ..
    But it's You're CHOSE as a grown woman that's " NOT OKAY "
    REFLECTION..you said in your interview No one asked if I was OK..
    Well darling..
    I believe you're 5 x year's are up ..dear..
    Take note to all the New mummy's and Daddy's..don't spoil your children..with material objects..
    But listening, communicating,
    Loving moment's..
    And throw in the rules of Displine & good Manners ..
    Especially first 5 x year's of a child's life..
    And hopefully a good loving foundation and home life will help one on their life's journey..
    Sending love ❤and light to everyone..
    FOR FAME and MONEY 💰..
    and maybe you both will in time…
    Possibly be liked ..!!
    Only time will tell ..
    Sending love light to everyone..
    And these are my opinions..
    Thanks Joe and team 🎉

  2. I think everyone is completely missing his stated goal — even though it’s deceptive. He wants the monarchy abolished. If you look at all of his reporting from years back to today, it’s always been tainted with comments about it being anachronistic, or questions why does the UK (and the world) still need the royal family. He’s a first generation immigrant in to the UK — unfortunately he just doesn’t get it — and he shouldn’t be allowed to have a podium. I’m married to a naturalized citizen here in the U.S. — and there are times where our biggest arguments come from traditions we have here in America regard in our government or politics that he disagrees with — but not having grown up here, and raised by people who grew up here — he doesn’t understand, and will never understand. The same is true of a lot of people questioning why the monarchy is still needed in the U.K. Here’s a very short answer as to why — the entire government and societal structure of the U.K. Is set up around the monarchy. To switch to a republic would mean updating of almost everything in British society, and make Brexit look like a cookie bake. Even here in the U.S., we have contracts that revolve around the lifespan of a British monarch….because it’s the most stable organization in the world.

  3. Hazbeen definitely knows by now he has made a complete mess of his life, and this book is another nail in the coffin. He is between a rock and a hard place. He can’t leave her yet as his home is the US and probably where he’ll get any work, and plenty of sycophants like King and Perry to praise them, he won’t be welcome in the UK and will be distanced I’m sure from the vast majority of his family, except KC maybe. I hope really that his father wants nothing to do with him, I know I could easily find it in my heart to blank him were he my son, he’d be dead to me I’m afraid, no taking back what he has put out there, he is vile. The Wales’s will never have anything to do with him again, I could almost guarantee that, neither will the Princess Royal.

  4. They haven’t been able to do the business deals they wanted, in the way they wanted, because they are s…e at it that’s why. It’s no one else’s fault but their own. Everything they touched turned to just a pipe dream, a wish list, out of reach of them because they had no talent, their ideas were crap, their execution was crap, even the paid PR teams and huge organisations with deep pockets couldn’t make it happen for them so you have to wonder why they’re even bothering still. And to cap it off, they are lazy, he needed the royal firm to make things happen for him, and he doesn’t have that any more bless him does he, he knew better with her at his side promising him the earth, the hubris of some people…..

  5. I find it strange that it was alleged that the 'royal racist' discussed 'concerns about baby's skin" with Harry, yet it was Meghan who wrote letters to Prince Charles about the comments. At this point she hardly knew Charles. Why didn't Harry stick up for his family about the comments since he was the one who heard the concerns? How did these letters get released to Omid? In interviews On Royally Podcast Omid also talked about 'semi regular' phone CALLS between Harry and KIng Charles and seemed to indicate knowledge of these calls. I believe Catherine was the only one who may have been able to bring William and Harry together, but not after the scathing comments in this book. Why would she at this point?

  6. Come on kC they are an embarrassment…. Thieving money getting away with it there are some very poor people and children out there and then you have the two grifters grabbing money and getting away with it! It’s disgusting

  7. All I get out of all of this is how immature, how low self esteem Harry’s wife is.
    Imagine to be offended because the family spoke of and wondered what their future baby would look like.
    I believe their baby would have been loved just as much as any of their other grandchildren no matter what color skin the baby was.

    She is such a silly fickle woman. She just wanted to take all the fuss away from the accusations of her of how she treated the staff bullying them.
    She is the real racist and real bully and real trouble maker.
    She has destroyed two families.
    They, harry and his wife need to grow up and live their lives as civilians
    And stop wanting to always want to be better or overshadow the Royals.
    Stop saying racism
    Wondering what a mixed baby would look like is not being a racist.
    My sister was light skin green eyes and her husband was black
    We all spoke and wondered what the babies would look like.
    One of the baby was white
    With blonde curly hair and blue eyes,
    And the other baby was tan, brown eyes light brown curly hair and were both loved the same.
    Both Harry’s kids are white with ginger hair……..because his wife’s father is white and her mother is half white and half black.
    She is completely white. They are both white.
    It is not racism against her
    It is her bad attitude
    Her Diva attitude
    No humility
    Always trying to be better than harry and outshine him and his family……lies, mistrust, betrayal
    How do you expect the Royal family to react.
    I’m sure they would have loved to make up with Harry and unite the family but they keep doing such atrocious things to the family and pushing them farther away.
    They should give up their Royal titles and live a normal life with their children and stop being followers and butt kissers to people who have money.
    Stop being so money and attention hungry.
    Work a real 9-5 job like normal people.
    You should be ashamed of yourselves. What terrible role models to young people today 🤦‍♀️

  8. I’m not surprised that H&M are running for cover! Their venomous fingers are ALL over that low lifes book! Remarkable that they would suggest that they’d be open to a Christmas invite much like their worry over the fact that William didn’t speak to them after the Orca interview and Harry’s horror of a “tell all book”! Poor Sussex’s are learning that “ doing it their own way” has costs the British tax payers and the Monarchy’s reputation. They’re like children who run away from home only to realize that Mom and Dad aren’t their to provide food and shelter. What twits!

  9. MEagain did make a statement that she dud not help on the (mudslinging) book, but she allowed Scabies access to two friends.
    Hence the venom directed at Catherine and Sophie.
    (Remember the death stare from Sophie – ACE 😀)
    Queen Elizabeth had suggested Sophie to be a companion to MEagain to help advise on protocol etc., especially as Sophie had come into the RF as an employed young woman. Of course, being the narcissist, MEagain refused. Then complained on Netflix nobody helped her 😡

  10. On November 27th 2017 The clip of Harry and Meghan being interviewed about their engagement shows exactly what the pair intended to do after their wedding, towards the end of the interview When they thought that nobody was around Harry did this funny face and put out his had and said " Give me the money Chink Chink "and Meghan laughed and did the same. Neither of them realised that the Camera was still running. Its always been about the Money with these two. That been their plan from the outset. Greedy little has beens.

    Watch the clip its blatant, making fun of the interviewer and their bosses, asking for a fee of money for giving that interview, DID they pay them for that interview?

  11. God there is always one who can't see what was in front of their nose in the book
    The montage of the king was great. Did anyone notice the person accused of being a racist. Had people of colour in the pictures with him. Mmmmmm
    Would you think that possible. No he isn't a racist. He has met to many important people over the years. All of different race, colour, creed, to further UK interest abroad.

  12. After the Oprah interview, I lost all respect for her! Moreover, she (and others) have asked the public to donate money to the Hawaiian people after the fires, which added to my disgust for her.

  13. ***Katy Keene isn’t a name that the average person in the UK would know including Omid Scobie***Katy Keene is a American comic book Character published by Archie Comics in 1945. Meghan has said that she has always identified as the character Betty because she is kind and good. Katy Keene is described as pretty, perfect and a model and goes on to be a broadway star. In 2019 the CEO of Archie Comics states that Harry and Meghan are fans of the TV SERIES Which is based on Archie comic books and that’s possibly why they named their son Archie. Only Meghan would know this as she herself has said she grew up on these comics. Meghan wrote this book!!!

  14. I'm from America and I really don't understand the monarchy much, but the question of is the baby's skin going to be dark or will the baby have red hair is not racist at all, it's actually a very common question to ask , they really need to back off with this race bait ideology and just get over the fact that Megan is not even black I don't care what anyone says that woman is white.

  15. I clearly never gave Omid enough credit, I just saw him as a more plastic version of Meghan. His "naming the royal racists" stunt (by mistake, of course) garnered him more free publicity than I thought possible for a book that is nothing more than another grievance list from the Duke & Duchess of Victimhood. I guess Omid took note of all the attention "Spare" received when the Spanish version came out early by "mistake" and we were all treated to Harry's little todger story.


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