No scaling? Challenge accepted (Super Auto Pets)

This video came from my stream on August 14th, 2023. Catch me live from 9AM-2PM PT every weekday here:

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47 thoughts on “No scaling? Challenge accepted (Super Auto Pets)”

  1. If I'm a server and I ask someone if they're ready to order food, and their response is "We're good" – I take that as you don't want food. But it really is a simple misunderstand that doesn't warrant child like attitude the rest of the service, especially if you're working for tips.

  2. We go to Disney every couple years just for the food. Yeah, places like Rainforest Cafe and T-Rex are chain-restaurant junk, but if you know where to go and where to avoid, Disneyworld is a foodie's dream.

  3. i get that NLs thing is that he is a family streamer and he does things with his family but he doesnt have to take 8 min to say that the food at disney world is shit, whats next? is he going to post a 15 min video explaining that the sky is blue?

  4. He is wrong about the we're good. That means that you don't need anything, it is so that you have everything you have you want/need from a purely semantic point of view. Adding … to order or saying we're ready (to order) means that you have chosen your food.

  5. @16:30 that’s me, and it’s because the burger is the absolute most solid option to judge a chef on. Every chef has a burger. Sometimes it’s the classic burger, sometimes it’s a gourmet collection of toppings. But it’ll all be judged all the same.

  6. 鹳和白鲸3级复活,才是赌博盲盒的关键,比如出一个3级犀牛 The level 3 resurrection of the stork and beluga is the key to the blind gambling box, such as a level 3 rhino

  7. Idk if NL reads the YouTube comments, but roundup rodeo is soooo good and the safari is one of the best rides there's a show on Disney plus on how they take care of the animals

  8. This episode is crazy for me i literally live 5 minutes away from paine field airport and just flew to Minneapolis and had a layover in Denver on the way back. Denver cancelled my flight so I'll hate it forever but that's probably supposed to be aimed at United.


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