No Man's Sky Orbital Patch Notes – Full Reading – Thoughts And Community Poll – NMS Update 4.6 News

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33 thoughts on “No Man's Sky Orbital Patch Notes – Full Reading – Thoughts And Community Poll – NMS Update 4.6 News”

  1. Just tried to buy modules in space station. The price on all of them were negative. When I tried to buy, was told "insufficient nanite clusters"

    Edit: used snother save. The discount was less than the cost, so I could buy the module. Apparently the discount is based on your standing.

    Edit2: In 1st save; If I set Purchases to FREE, then I can buy things (of course)

  2. What a huge update! The last couple haven't been the most exciting, but this one really has me excited to get back in. I think the Authenticated ship seal is a great compromise to keep the original ship hunters happy by making their naturally found ships more valuable while giving the rest of us the ability to build our "dream ship".

  3. When I saw my first new station I thought of a line from the TV show 'Still Game' 'Oh Mummy, Daddy its beautiful'. It feels so big inside now- love how they look both inside and out. I jumped to another system just to see another one. Well done Hello Games and the ship making looks like it will be lots of fun. Capt buy loads of things to reduce your money and give them away so you can have fun with the new trade system-maybe?

  4. I was hoping the ship customization would let us take the end pieces and put them on anything like i was wanting to use the big things that comes along the side of the fighters that have 2 engines on them and put wings thats like on the golden vector that way we can have ships that are totally different than whats in the game and i wanted to be able to recolor my ship at any time, they could of let us put our ships on that platform and atleast color them the way we want if we wanted. Come on Sean you were supposed to completely out do starfield! Lol….
    Those vendor stalls are the same as the closed ones up stairs to the left! I wonder if they're gona expand the stations to have more things in them? If you go up the left side stairs there are walled off stalls that are just like the open ones downstairs. Wonder if they'll put in hand out areas or maybe other tech vendors? Hopefully we get ship coloring because thats what i really wanted so i could match in any ship lol

  5. OH MY STARS!!! I was totally wrong about HG. They brought EVERYTHING I've been asking for in this update! Customizable ships and did it in a way that is going to make wreck hunting even more fun and challenging!! Participatory frigate missions where your actions impact the results. Major overhaul to space stations with added functionality!! I'M PUMPED!! Can't wait to dive in!!

  6. I've actually jumped from 280.000 nanites to over 4 billion nanites with this new patch. I think now I can upgrade all the starships and multitools I want.

  7. This is a beautiful update. everything about spacestations looks beautiful….
    I do feel a lot was lost. With this modern skin I wish we still had a bar& lounge, windows to look directly out of. Conference rooms, locked secret rooms so much less not more.
    The kiosks look like hot dog or magazine stands.
    The old shops had room for whole exocrafts & starships. Please Hello games give us more procedurally generated rooms and style …..but I really love this game, its just more functional than the old one's. πŸ€—

  8. LMFAO. Easily the first actual update in literally years and it utterly destroyed the coords exchange πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    You gotta remember there 4 pillars?! Yeah mate there are… And none of them have any consequence at all.

    Servival is easy.
    Players arnt a danger.
    Can't loot each other.
    Trade is pointless as the economy in nms is absolutely broken.


  9. Hello games literally show a shuttle in their official video as an option to customise (time stamp 38-39 seconds) they also show a shuttle cockpit in one of the official pics of their patch notes.

    Why don't we have these? Very strange to show things that we do not have on their patch notes and official video:(

    Maybe they had a bug with shuttles and shelved them until later??

    Oh and where's our black paint… which they also show πŸ™

  10. Here’s my 5 pence worth, based purely on videos I’ve seen as my pc is away being repaired.
    Ship customization..fabulous addition, I’m actually hoping 3rd party modders no longer feel the need. Aesthetics..much more colorful and possibly even more cartoony, but that doesn’t really bother me , it is what it is. Things to do…I personally want to see more variation in the missions especially the ones from the anomaly. Overall I’m liking the effort Hello Games have put into this update, it demonstrates a commitment to its future.


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