Nintendo's BIGGEST Sale is FINALLY Here! (Ultimate Black Friday Sales Guide)

The best black Friday sales on the Nintendo Switch!

Games Mentioned:
Xeoblade Chronicles 3
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Luigi’s Mansion 3
Super Mario Odyssey
Octopath Traveller 2
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
No Man’s Sky
Persona Series
Return to Monkey Island
Cities Skylines
The Last Campfire
Doraemon Story of Seasons Friends of the Great Kingdom
Mail time
Coffee Talk


00:00 Intro
00:39 Physical Games
03:27 Digital Games


44 thoughts on “Nintendo's BIGGEST Sale is FINALLY Here! (Ultimate Black Friday Sales Guide)”

  1. Saw Three Hopes is on sale and might finally get it. Not a huge fan of the warriors gameplay style but absolutely loved the character of Three Houses so definitely worth revisiting them again

  2. Thank you!! Mail Time sounds like my ideal game haha I love just wandering around pretty places 🩵 and I may be one of your last campfire converts, that one is very intriguing to me! Basically old school Zelda with no combat is what it looks like which is a good time in my book 🥰

  3. Great list. One game not on the list that every cozy gamer should try is "Lost Words: Beyond the Page." It's a relatively easy narrative adventure game (heavy on the narrative) with a heartwrenching, beautiful story and amazing graphics. The story was actually written by the late great Terry Pratchett's daughter, and it really is good. The game is currently on sale in the eShop for $2 (at least in the US… not sure about elsewhere), and it's more than worth that price.

    For No Man's Sky, I have hundreds of hours into the Switch port since launch and definitely agree it's an amazing game. That said, potential buyers should be aware that the Switch port does lack multiplayer and settlements (the latter isn't that good anyway), and that it tends to get updates and patches significantly later than other platforms. Bugs can be pretty bad at times, and there are certain interactions that will almost always guarantee a crash (especially when interacting with freighters). BUT. The fact that so many of us have so many hours into this port despite these issues is a testimony to how good the core game is. It really is the perfect cozy game due to the ability to customize so many settings. So if people are willing to put up with the occasional crash/bug and delayed update schedule, it's a great game to just relax, explore, build, etc. Especially on sale.

  4. Last Campfire had me sobbing, I found it pretty soon after my dad’s passing and it’s story of loss, grief, and letting go hit so hard.

    With that said I would highly recommend it!

  5. Omg…the last campfire was one of the few games i actually finished..lost sleep over for a few nights and even had to hold back tears.. it was gut wretching yet so worth the play through.. i wish there was a last campfire 2.

  6. 2 slight additions:

    -Luigi’s Mansion 3 is one of the most fabulous sofa multiplayers. My friend and I played it together for weeks on a Friday evening, with a big pizza in front of us.

    -Storyteller: the game was programmed by one guy who really, really put his heart and soul into it. It was in production hell for absolute ages and I was SO excited, so see him finally get that well deserved release, but for all his hard work to really shine in a truly unique puzzle game, that feels REALLY polished. #notspon – I’m just a massive fan.

  7. unfortunately by the time i'll get paid the sales will probably be over. which, considering i still have some kitchen reno to do, is probably better for my wallet anyways…but i can still wishlist stuff for later^^

  8. somehow I don't care anymore. none of these games will run smoothly, especially not the indie games 🤷‍♀ I was a diehard nintendo fan, i grew up with it after all, but I'm so done. I regret ALL the indie games I bought for my switch. nintendo games can run smoothly but so many of them are a joke regardless. paying 60€ for a PORT? hell nah.

  9. Sadly (or luckily?) nothing interesting for me this time. I really wanna check out Ooblets, I wish it had a demo though because I'm not usually a fan of super colorful/"silly" looking games so I'm torn


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