Nicola Bulley – UK Po-Po Bullying Curtis Media??? Arrest Made A Day After Police Threaten Him?

Nicola Bulley – UK Po-Po Bullying Curtis Media??? Arrest Made A Day After Police Threaten Him? Nicola Bulley Curtis Media …


15 thoughts on “Nicola Bulley – UK Po-Po Bullying Curtis Media??? Arrest Made A Day After Police Threaten Him?”

  1. Nothing fair or just about it. If police thought this would damp things down then……….whoops they've done it again cos now they've made even more people outraged. They need to own their own mistakes instead of going around arresting scapegoats.

  2. It's outrageous the way Curtis was treated, l hope he gets the best solicitor and sues the police. They treat terrorists and murderers like this,Curtis is being made an example of to warn others off as l think he was getting to close to the truth.The police didn't do their job properly Curtis was doing it for them.The awful part is that it was all done in front of his grandparents who must have been so scared.lmagine if one of them had suffered a heart attack through the sheer shock.lts really shocking British police are acting like the Gestapo.They knock at doors for the most trivial matters these days,l have lost all faith and trust in the police especially when there are rapists and murderers amongst them.lf this goes on Britain will become lawless if the police cannot do their jobs in the right manner.I hope justice prevails for Curtis and Nicola.l personally think it was planned as Nicolas funeral was next day on the 8th March they probably did it thinking he might go to the area.Shame on you British police.

  3. I'm a child trafficking survivor, I've had a horrific time at the hands of the police. Curtis has rattled them, there's obviously something well dodgy about this death that the police have tried to pass off as a suicide.

    Well done Curtis and thank you for holding up the baton for justice

  4. Police have terrorised me for my anti child trafficking blog and they've threatened me several times to stop talking on social media…or else. And I've been illegally sectioned by them 3 times.

    Police are out of control, they don't work for the people, they cover up crimes and commit crimes against vulnerable people.

  5. He needs to make them as a example like they did to him..the police need to be sued for every penny he can get ! Those cops showing themselves to look like the lowest cops can go..EVERYONE knows the cops fu**ed up from the very beginning ..hope they all lose their jobs.


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