Global National: Oct. 5, 2023 | Russian missile strike on Ukrainian village kills at least 51 people

A Russian missile strike on the Ukrainian village of Hroza has killed at least 51 people. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls the strike a “deliberate act of terrorism.” Crystal Goomansingh reports on one of Russia’s deadliest attacks since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine and how Western leaders are trying to shore up support for Ukraine.

U.S. President Joe Biden is backtracking on his promise that he’d never permit more border wall construction in southern Texas, waiving 26 federal laws to extend the barrier. Joel Senick explains what prompted Biden’s reversal, the criticism from former president Donald Trump and the political challenge the migrant crisis poses.

Cameron Ortis, a former RCMP intelligence official, is now standing trial accused of breaching Canada’s secret intelligence law. Touria Izri explains how a secret email chain is at the centre of the unprecedented espionage case.

As Canadians struggle with food inflation, Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne has outlined a plan aimed at lowering grocery costs. Mackenzie Gray fact checks the promises and explains what’s new and what’s not.

The planet is definitely feeling the heat, with September 2023 being the hottest September on record, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. As Eric Sorensen explains, it’s putting more pressure on countries to cut back carbon emissions quicker.

Plus, the Sphere, the spectacular new entertainment venue in Las Vegas, is becoming one of the world’s most photographed attactions, thanks to its mind-bending and building-bending visuals. Mike Armstrong explains the science behind the stunning screen, developed by Montreal-based Saco Technologies.

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28 thoughts on “Global National: Oct. 5, 2023 | Russian missile strike on Ukrainian village kills at least 51 people”

  1. Constraining supply causes housing prices and rents to skyrocket, shunting your lifetime earnings into the pockets of the chosen few, but does not save farmland.

    House on a 3000 sq. ft. lot is $5,000,000 in Vancouver (or $1,000,000 in Toronto). $5,000,000/3000 = $1667 per sq. ft.

    A ten acre farm at a million dollars an acre is $10,000,000. $10,000,000/435,600 = $23 per sq. ft.

    The price per sq. ft. might seem low relative to a city lot, but because of acreage the value of a farm is now millions. Grain farming is not feasible beyond $2000 per acre or $0.05 per sq. ft. even if you inherit the land. Nothing can be feasibly grown on million dollar an acre land. The multi-millionaire farmer that wishes to enjoy his new found wealth is not going to work for nothing, borrows on his equity and sells upon winding-up his affairs, or his heirs sell. Farmhouse is replaced with a 50,000 sq. ft. mansion, land is left fallow, grows into grass, then brambles and in turn reverts to forest.

    Canada has 895,000,000 acres of forest that is a fraction of its total territory. None may be spared for housing.

  2. Zelensky invented the term terrorism look at how many ppl he killed in 2014 this was prolly a Ukrainian missile just like last one. Knowing what zelensky done in 2014 I wouldn't be suprised if he bunched everybody up an bombed them just to spew it was russia . Glory to russia love from alberta ! No not all us Canadians sheep read books ppl!

  3. Ukraine will never win and Zelensky is receiving tons of dollars and using his people as shields. No benefits for the innocent people. This war will never end it will drag to third world war |||.

  4. Global News, war mongering network. Trying hard to justify war. Leaving out information that the Ukrainian soldiers are hiding out in schools and hospitals to keep from being bombed.😢 shameful reporting. Please report the truth.

  5. Our propaganda forgot that the rocket struck a cafe where ukrainian nazis had a wake for their fallen nazi turd from the Ajdar nazi battalion. They had his military friends, including those who killed many civilians in Kupiansk. Basically, all the nazis were sent to bandera land.

  6. украинская армия обстреливает мирные города России кассетными боеголовками!!! удары приходятся по жилым домам!!это военное преступление!! но так как европейцы и сша считают Русских людьми второго сорта то об этом и сообщать не нужно!!

  7. Twenty years from now, we will see interviews of Russian veterans crying on TV and telling us how pointless the war in Ukraine was and what was asked of them, and they will call it a crime themselves. Right now, they cannot speak about it, but it will come. You can find similar interviews about Iraq today critiquing it all.

  8. for all our sakes, consider carefully what this righteous american military officer has to say concerning ukraine: "Douglas Macgregor This New Information Will Astound You!" (online on google at the "Begin Your Journey" site).


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