Nibiru | The planet of Crossing | ANUNNAKI SECRETS REVEALED 3

Based on the book ’12th planet’ by Zecharia Sitchin,
Inspired by the chapter titled ‘Kingship of Heaven’.

In this detailed exploration, we delve into the ancient mysteries surrounding the Anunnaki and their purported home, Nibiru, also known as the Twelfth Planet. Drawing upon the works of Zecharia Sitchin and ancient Mesopotamian and Hebrew scriptures, this video sheds light on the origins, narratives, and prophecies associated with these celestial beings and their celestial abode.

The Anunnaki, according to Sitchin’s interpretations of ancient texts, are beings who originated from Nibiru. This video examines Sitchin’s journey of discovery, where he sought answers to the fundamental questions: Where did the Anunnaki come from? What is the significance of Nibiru, and why has it been a subject of intrigue and speculation throughout history?

The exploration begins with an analysis of the “Epic of Creation” and other corresponding texts, revealing the celestial dynamics and divine dominance of Marduk, a key figure in ancient mythology. The narrative unfolds the Babylonians’ modification of the Sumerian narrative and the establishment of Marduk as the sovereign of both celestial deities and the heavens.

A focal point of the discussion is the celestial body Nibiru, its unique trajectory, and its role as the “crossing planet.” The video delves into the astronomical details preserved in ancient scriptures, emphasizing Nibiru’s consistent traversal through the heart of Tiamat and its central positioning in the celestial arrangement.

The content further explores the characteristics of Marduk, its venture into unexplored celestial territories, and its elliptical route around the Sun. The video presents hypotheses and interpretations of Marduk’s path, drawing upon the works of scholars like Franz Kugler and examining ancient depictions of the Winged Globe.

Ancient civilizations’ anticipation of the cyclical return of the Twelfth Planet is explored, along with the meticulous tracking of its progressive path. The video presents correlations between Biblical texts and Mesopotamian findings, depicting the planet’s traversal through different star formations and its impact on Earth and its inhabitants.

The description of the Twelfth Planet as a luminous entity visible even during the day is examined, along with various cylinder seals depicting a cross. The video discusses the ancient civilizations’ belief in the planet’s signaling of significant transformations and the onset of new epochs.

The exploration doesn’t stop at ancient texts; it also touches upon modern astronomical speculations and discoveries. The periodic visibility and invisibility of the Twelfth Planet raise questions about its detection by modern-day astronomers. The video discusses the potential existence of a “Planet X” and its gravitational effects, drawing parallels with known comets like Halley’s comet and Kohoutek.

This exploration offers a comprehensive insight into the mysteries of the Anunnaki and Nibiru, bridging ancient beliefs and modern discoveries. By examining ancient scriptures, celestial trajectories, and modern astronomical speculations, the video provides a well-rounded perspective on these enigmatic subjects. Whether you are a curious mind seeking to understand ancient civilizations’ beliefs or an enthusiast of astronomical mysteries, this exploration offers a wealth of knowledge and insights into the intertwining tales of the Anunnaki and Nibiru.

🎬 Watch Full Anunnaki Movie on this playlist –

👽 Watch Anunnaki Documentaries here –

🤔 Are you new to the subject? Navigate trought this list to understand the basics about the Anunnaki –

✍️ Study the real mesopotamian tablets and take your own conclusions –

✍️ Study all the tablets of The Lost Book of Enki on this playlist –
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🧑 If you want to see who the content creator is and why I use an electronic voice, watch this video:


29 thoughts on “Nibiru | The planet of Crossing | ANUNNAKI SECRETS REVEALED 3”

  1. Look , my thumb nail is a CME from behind the Earth from the ultraviolet blue spectrum black light sun Ra obviously not carved on every stone not rolling fast enough in worship but for WARNING. I just dug up 2 , 10 ton black/ blue jade feathered serpents in Michigan. Hastings in the gun lake tribe jurisdiction. Last week UES I MADE SEVERAL VIDEOS.

  2. The term 'The Crossing' seems very telling!! Could Nibiru(Marduk) be equated to the 'black god' of the ancient !Egyptians?!! And if so, it would 'be' represented by the long arm of what is tradionally called the cross.

  3. This is very different and kinda very esoteric. I do believe there were Anunnaki who probably built ancient Egypt for regular people couldn't work with 40,000 pound blocks without some technology. We couldn't build the pyramids and other structures unless using small light pieces. I guess super heavy duty equipment could be made to work with heavy stones, but it would be incredibly expensive. The Anunnaki were big guys who raped human daughters said to have come out of the sky. It was the days of Noah. I wonder where all this knowledge came from? How did we technologically develop so quickly in only 50 years? Yes, Japan, Korea, and China were a key part of the the global plan World Economic Forum has been doing since 1971. That's the new world order which is actually old world order probably coming out an era long before the 20th century. Our era is thought to be The Revelation and the global economic system is The Beast 666.

  4. The amazing thing is that Geologists now have proof of the first five cities with the 5th one having been unearthed in just 2014 by Istanbul university in Turkey 🇹🇷 Disclosure must happen so the world knows its true history. Also our DNA 🧬 just shows up here 230,000yrs ago and were very different from anything else on the planet including chimps and apes 🦍 and we haven’t changed much at all.

  5. Tiamat was hit by a satellite/moon of Nibiru, not by Nibiru it self. Is what I got from the tablets somewhere,or the lost book of Enki . And if I remember correctly is now our Moon. But you have to look into that some more, everything else seems correct to me.

  6. I have known about the existence of the Anunnaki family for many years. I often talk to them. Anu, Enlil, Enki are important figures in my life. They always help me in my following times. I feel their presence and that makes me happy.

  7. I think the theory outlined regarding Nibiru, that Annunaki and the dna modifications to early man all make good rational sense. The most convincing proof for me is the structures found on earth from millennia ago that could not have been built by anything other than an alien race.
    This theory also suits the Bible narratives into a previously misaligned slot like the Proverbial Penny drop!

  8. Galactic truth is being revealed for humanity to realise . We are conceived by interstellar intercourse our seed is sown through out the multiverse. All material manifestation is created as binary and is subject to decay and destruction. The Anunnaki have a life and death cycle . Their gods and goddesses search the universe for immortality and perfection which can not be materially obtained .The Knowledge of the source of Life all Life is beyond intellectual and spiritual comprehension.only the Heart Knows the secrete, Kings, Gods, Goddesses ,Priest, Warriors, Scientist only know the illusions their minds project within the mind consciousness enslavement matrix belief systems .Earth is at the cosmic cross road of destiny between believing and knowing Truth .

  9. Your videos are top notch!! I would like your opinion on the celestial event coming in October 2024 where the 4 gas giants square off with earth and will introduce a 2nd magnetic field to our planet. Listening to this episode reminded me of this white knuckle event that is right around the corner. So much more to say about this celestial event but I will keep it short. Looking forward to your opinion.


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