Next Question With White Lotus Creator Mike White

On this episode of Next Question I interviewed Mike White, the creator of HBO’s hit series White Locus. We talked about how the series came to be in the middle of a pandemic, how they found this season’s Italian actresses, and where he’d like season 3 to take place. Yes, there will be a season 3!

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42 thoughts on “Next Question With White Lotus Creator Mike White”

  1. Chuck and Buck was so brilliant and soooo exquisitely awkward back in 2000. I have been a fan since. And School of Rock especially was inspired. And inspiring. Then he starts making amazing TV. I'm so thrilled White Lotus has been so successful.

  2. White Lotus2 is such a solid piece of work, I would love to see it resurrected as a musical on Broadway. So many juicy possibilities for songs about every aspect of sex, love, and power. Lin Manuel, are you listening?

  3. White Lotus is like an expanded Vacation movie mixed with Clue, where you get perspectives from all class levels of the characters, there's a murder and we are all guessing who dies, and who did it. Or when Adam Sandler does a vacation movie with his friends, like Blended, Grown Ups, etc. Going on vacation without having to leave your home. That was shocking what happened to Tanya, when they clearly seemed to be marketing the show around her character. That's how you surprise your audience and keep people guessing. They should take one of the characters, or one of the groups, I say Aubrey Plaza and her group and take them to the next season, and maybe they or one of them dies, or doesn't. Keep us surprised. Oh, and did Daphne inspire Ethan or they are implying they did their own thing to get back and the implied affair with Harper and Cameron?

  4. Everything amazing already said, but the final episode was a disappointment and killing off Tanya will loose viewers for the next series. She was a big reason the gays were watching 😢

  5. Congrats to Mr. White for being able to get this done. I watched the series and wanted to punch all of those people. All of them were a pain in the butt! I could never have people like that in my personal circle. I could see all of what was going to happen after the first show. The problem is that no one ever wants to tell people the truth about them. Thus you keep watching them to find out what happens. The only thing I would have done differently. Ethan and Cameron. If I were Ethan. I would have smashed Cameron on the daily. And I would be bold enough to do it right in front of his wife. And she would know to keep her mouth shut!

  6. What was everyone's favorite parts of season 2? Ethan maintaining a friendship with a total sociopath who has treated him like garbage the entire time they've know each other? An inanely drawn out murder-for-hire scheme that unnecessarily involved dozens of people who need to be bought off to ensure their silence and that left a clear evidence trail including a material witness? Two grown men giving a prostitute €50,000 without asking what exactly she needed it for? Or was it the traditional White Lotus ending scene where the surviving characters sit around thinking "Welp, that happened" before going on with their lives especially Portia who knows her boss was probably murdered but still prioritizes exchanging numbers with Albie? My advice for Mike White is to take more time writing season 3 so the plots make some damn sense.

  7. What a great guy and interview subject Mike White is! I always forget he wrote School of Rock, and gave Richard Linklater sole credit for that shining jewel. I was glad to see him demure from Katie's remark that Tanya is a sympathetic character and rightly point out that Jennifer Coolidge makes her likable. At least, it agrees with my take! Aside from the question of whether Tanya is sympathetic or not, it is obvious she has no unplumbed depths to her character. Such a tiresome narcissist would really drag the show down in a third season.

  8. Watching White Lotus feels like a very, very expensive vacation – beautiful settings and beautiful people, but it also has substance. I can't wait for season 3. I need. I need.

  9. Season one was good. Season two was some of the best TV I've seen. Great writing, great production, great acting by everyone involved, and the casting was perfect! They fit those roles like a glove. It was also good to see nuanced characters and a script that wasn't driven by ticking boxes of current fashions of political correctness. Those characters were human, all too human, as a German philosopher once said. The characters were so good I want to see them again. I hope White can do this again, create spellbinding TV with unforgettable characters, with some dark humor, satire, and not politically driven – which is the reason so much TV has failed of late.

  10. Both seasons of the White Lotus are filmed beautifully and the scripts are intelligent and so interesting. If only more series had all the qualities of the White Lotus. Congratulations and thank you to Mike White and his team for bringing this to our screens. Please keep the train rolling.


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