Next Pandemic In 2025? Global Health Passport In July 2023.Greatest Pandemic Nobody Is Preparing For

In this episode, Andrew Henriques addressed ‘WHO’ Launch of Global Vaccination Passport in July 2023, to get ready for the next …


47 thoughts on “Next Pandemic In 2025? Global Health Passport In July 2023.Greatest Pandemic Nobody Is Preparing For”

  1. 🔴 In this episode, Andrew Henriques addressed WHO Launch of Global Vaccination Passport in July 2023, to get ready for the next Pandemic in the near future (2025?). Additionally, the Greatest Pestilence Pandemic that many people are not talking about or preparing for was covered. 🔴
    🔵 The Next Pandemic Coming 2025? Global Digital Health Passport Launches In July 2023. The Greatest Pandemic Nobody Is Talking About & Is Preparing For! 🔵

  2. Im in Jamaica. I want to do country living but there are older people that rely on us😭❤️ i will stay with them if i have to but it can be nerve wracking whenever we see current events. And i have a child .. please pray for us.

  3. The most important is the Sealing of God.
    The history repeats itself. There is nothing under the sun.
    Don't Forget the past: Exodus chapter 12.
    May the Lord give us victory over all sins, before the end times of probation.
    Ezekiel chapter 9.

  4. Many pastors and elders of the SDA Churches under the GC were so crazy in favor of the lockdown draconian laws that brought division, name calling. It was one of the determining factor to weigh men in position of trust as whether they know the truth, the testimonies and see their faith in Jesus Christ. They were weighed in the balances and found wanting in matters of truth

  5. Not a better prayer in this hour could have been gifted to all than psalms 91,by Jesus christ and our heaven father. May he reign always,all praise,love devotion and worship go to the most high. 😊😊❤❤

  6. Dear pastor Lashley I'm so proud of you your family is so proud of you thank you for enlighten us on what's going on around us now is the time to take heed God bless you with wisdom and to open our eyes too see what's actually going on thank you your loving cousin Cynthia ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. Some people believe that Sunday is when they should worship, and their belief is strong, they believe in Jesus Christ they worship God sincerely, pastor God is not going to condemn them, sabbath Christians a lot of them live not so good lives,are they going to be save

  8. The Air Defender* AIRFOCE manuevers over Europe take place under US AIR FORCE leadership from 12-23 June. What will happen? Will pandemics break out?

    Air defender or HEIR-defender? It´s always about counterfeit "Israel".

  9. Country leaving is only for those with enough financial ability we left everything we had back in England it wasent much but a good stable jobs and moved to Mexico trusting that a land will be found and 3 years later nothing has happend family have treat us horribly a so call brother offered his land to us but a year later decided to requested back now we are left empty handed and struggling with 5 children under the age of 13. Do not make the decision of country leaving in a rushed we took over two years preparing but still it was not enough. Country leaving is not for the less financially stable unfortunatelly thats a lesson learnt the hard way. My advice is stay put God will take care of you and procted you where you are. Country living has really disappoint me and broken my heart. I can only wait the Lord will make a way for my family.

  10. pope Francis to have abdominal surgery next week at 86. When he dies, there goes your man of sin, who is in reality SATAN in the flesh. God is spirit, but He came in the flesh, satan is spirit, and he too will come in the flesh. God always justifies the balance.

  11. I was in Nee Jersey yesterday and the smoke was there too and the same thought came to mind that they always say “don’t let a good crisis go to waste”. Glad to know that God peoples minds are in the same place

  12. I am Adventist and a 23 year old Christians . And I have 7 year old . So a young and single mother living in Jamaica, working hard to become a nurse. My dream is to live in Canada for the rest of my life with my child

  13. A very timely message! He that have an ear let them hear what the Spirit is saying if Christ do not cut his coming short no flesh will be save. I almost believe that he will. Thanking God for the Messenger. 🙌🙏🏻😇❤️

  14. Pastor Henriques, God bless you and your families.
    I believe the greatest shandemic that they are not talking about is the Sunday law enforcement, soon to affect everybody, may God help us .


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