News Conference: Police give update after girl shot to death near high school

A girl who was a student at DuVal High School in Lanham, Maryland was killed in a shooting Monday.


12 thoughts on “News Conference: Police give update after girl shot to death near high school”

  1. Let's stop all the talking America, take action now to get the Murders/Killers off the streets. We have the money, Man- Power and most importantly God! Do it now. Stop talking!

  2. Let me be very clear, P.G. County does not not have or provide any programs for the youth outside of school. There are no after-school programs to keep youth active/involved in positive activities; there are no preventive programs for at risk youth, and the laws for juvenile offenders are weak or non-existent, accept in cases of violent crimes or homicide. #helpsaveouryouth

    My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of the young girl. πŸ™πŸ½ ❀


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