New World: The bugs are out of control!

i have no words for this description….



artist: Jupiter
song: Lost Love


44 thoughts on “New World: The bugs are out of control!”

  1. New World is rapidly becoming the new Dreamworld… which is really saying something because I never thought anything would come close to that level of incompetence. Maybe it's the curse of having "World" in the game title…

  2. Said it before the problem with this, and people basking in its failure is that there was a chance that if new world was successful we might see more mmos. This dumpster fire has basically destroyed any chance we have of seeing a wave of new mmos. Leaving us with the literal shitshows of Korean mmos like elyon, lost ark and bdo. It’s a really sad day for mmo lovers.

  3. The biggest bug is the simpovirus that's been spreading through the gaming community for years where we not only accept broken product we defend it and throw more money at it.

  4. I stopped playing at level 30 in the first week in the hopes they would fix their game. Every week and sometimes every day I keep seeing videos about how broken the game actually is. I had such high hopes for this game because of the budget and the pay model, I guess ill keep waiting but it aint looking good.

  5. Doing a rollback on the entire game would also be risky. What do you think all of these people who spent hundreds of hours will do if everything they've done just disappears?

  6. They've not listened to feedback and have been arrogant since Alpha. If anyone honestly expected that to change, you are delusional. Bugs we reported during Alpha years ago still persist, the exploits reported years ago still exist, the state of the in-game economy was forecasted years ago and the developers always downplayed our concerns and disregarded our input.

  7. I actually do want this game to fail. I don't feel that monopolization of wealth across multiple production sectors is constructive in creating a balancing economy OUTSIDE of a video game. Both Amazon studios and Riot Games are attempting to spread their influence on markets where small developers have a chance to thrive. The only reason this was as successful as it turned out to be was because they coaxed content creators to hype it up. How? Because of the label Amazon. Influencers got jebaited by a brand

  8. Surely it shouldn't be hard for Amazon to find the gold dupers that started to do it?

    Oh the game launched and some people somehow have several billion/trillion gold? Yeah that looks legit!

  9. I'm honestly not surprised anymore. I amongst others was really excited for the game, visually it's very beautiful game in areas that aren't copied and pasted, play wise everything is broken and doesn't work the way it's meant to.

    But this is what "we" and when I say we I mean the general public who over hypes the game (not even a complete game/broken game.) NOTE: NO MANS SKY and CYBERPUNK2077, ANTHEM, because those three games come to mind real fast. But if this trend continues where "we" pile onto games that are over hyped over and beyond, then this will always be the end result friends. We as gamers need to show these companies that "Hey you over hype your own game, and then release dog shit. Well then give me my refund."

    It's rough and I get it, you can't blame everyone, but the blame needs to fall on someone and that goes to the higher ups who push these games, games like these to make a quick buck, and then close or shut down the game because it's not working anymore.

    AGS, from the bottom of my heart FUCK YOU. And that FUCK YOU goes to those who pushed and pushed to release the game in the state it's in. You made a field of flowers that smells like shit right now.


    Someone should remix this video with some doof doof tunes to go with it!
    Then I can dance around the flaming wreck of New World pumping my glow sticks… Ahahahahaaha I am getting so much enjoyment out of this game and I didn't even buy it…

  11. A large amount of people left already. I'm taking a break until a few patches roll, not only to fix bugs, but also if they do something to the leveling beyond 45 because it have been a nightmare to deal.
    Overtuned enemies, areas crowned with foes so you are always at 3v1 at worse and insanely short respawn times


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