New World Review – The Final Verdict

New World may pay a price for that down the road with hardcore players looking for more complex and uncommon experiences elsewhere, but that could be largely mitigated depending on how the developers manage it. As it is, I wish the game did a bit more to stand apart in its genre aside from just being a bit more approachable, and your mileage on how that affects your experience will largely vary based on what you like to get out of your MMO RPGs.

I also would have liked to see just a bit more polish at launch, regardless of the normalization of these sorts of games being buggy at launch. That said, New World has a solid combat system, plenty to do, and just enough intrigue to get you into it.


24 thoughts on “New World Review – The Final Verdict”

  1. Its such an amazing game. In my server, yesterday we the syindicate were in war vs the greens for 3 hours. Nearly 200 hundred ppl with NO LAG. I was in the fortress, using the bow in one tower. Was truly epic, like Minas Tirith battle in Lotro.
    When I was out of arrows, I started using the spear. So many kills. And the best part? I was no really caring about farming, questing or gathering. I just was making war and having fun..and gained 3 levels in the process.
    New world its all about freedom .
    Amazing game.
    PD: this review dont say a word about PvP, the best salling point of thid game. Bad review.

  2. A level 7 guy rating the game on how it is lol…you dont even have azoth's staff and i am pretty sure you never did war or expedition and yet you rate this game based on content. Bitch you need to get to max level and then judge the game on how it is…you havent even experienced half the game.

  3. It's crazy how you mentioned absolutely nothing about the life skills and crafting which is imo, the biggest pro about this game. Your gameplay only shows the tutorial part of the game which is basically 1-20 before you get the azoth staff to do corruption events and dungeons. Pro tip maybe delve deeper past the beginning of a game before saying it bland you also missed the emphasis on pvp and the territory wars and factions. You played what looks like an hour of the game and missed the point of companies owning towns and establishing their own government. This review is basically nulled due to lack of information and gameplay.

  4. the good thing about this game is that if you spec wrongly or start off with the wrong weap, you could still respec, use another weapon and train up the weapon level. at least it is not fixated to a class.

  5. The game has general designflaws from the limited build-customization (6 skills max is not enough!) and even it has many gameplay-systems … every single one of them is just too casual and shallow! Even the "rich content" is fake! Re-used monsters, extremly poor story and quests etc. … it all is just a big overhyped cashgrab and in 2 months max most people will realise that! I dont expect they will ever be able to fix it because the foundation is just not good! They may shuffle more and more content in here BUT dont expect anything new or interesting and fun XD

  6. Played the beta, twice, and this game is not really worth it at this time, this game should be another year in the development as it just feels underdeveloped in many aspects. But hey, every MMO got better with time!

    Talents are barely there, three weapon abilities system is laughable, there is just too few weapon types. Quests are repetetive and boring; same as enemy types. I got bored really quickly.

    On the good side, graphics are nice and crafting is quite good, combat flow is not bad too. But… thats really it, the rest of the game is sub-par in every aspect. Just a little above mediocre game for me, so 60%.

  7. The second this review said that there's a multiple enemy types within the first few hours of the game and that's impressive…. Yeah you lost me which variation are you talking about The skeleton or the drowned skeleton, or corrupted zombie Wash rinse repeat literally the first two dungeons have the exact same mobs. From one to almost 40 it was identical monsters in every area the only exception being recently when I finally started fighting the tree bears and dryad looking mobs but even that waa just one area. You're one to 25 starting areas which have four or five of them or all identical The monsters are all identical even though you have two starting zones that are across the map from each other and have different biomes and you have a chance to make them different they chose to make the same exact mobs. Wildlife is worth 0 credit as none of that required creativity you just put animals into the game


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